The circus was in the area this week. Oh, wait, it was just Al Sharpton. Different clown entirely.
How did Sharpton's appearance work out? Great, as far as I'm concerned. His candidate lost.
Speaking of crazy racists calling other people racist...
The NAACP was visited by Michelle Obama, who said the group must "increase its intensity." They did that by calling the TEA Party racist. They actually said "elements"were racist. And, of course, by elements, they mean "white people."
Just who are these Colored People that National Association is looking to Advance? Of course, if they changed their name to the current "correct word/phrase" for blacks, they'd be the NAAAA. Which might not be a bad idea. Sounds like a bunch of sheep, mindlessly following their shepherd. Or Judas goat.
But maybe NAACP is right after all: National Association for the Advancement of Calumniation and Prevarication. Yeah, that fits.
Of course, all these lies and racism from the NAACP is beginning to confuse me. The NAACP is repeating lies about others and using race as a rallying point. Didn't they also do that in the 1930s? Or was that NSDAP? It's getting harder and harder to tell the difference.
Now, it seems that the TEA Party isn't the only racist group. Al Qaeda is racist. This is after an attack in Africa. I suppose the blacks killed in the 9/11 attacks in the U.S. were simply killed because they were around a bunch of white people. Ditto for the blacks killed in the 7/7 attacks in the U.K.
Suddenly, Al Qaeda is racist. Does this mean that the administration will take the war on those terrorists seriously now? Or does it just mean that Eric Holder will sue Al Qaeda?
I'm hoping the former, since, in the left's mind, this charge of Al Qaeda being racist makes them almost as dangerous as the TEA Party.
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