Monday, April 17, 2006


Yeah, I got a new toy. And like most Big Boys' Toys, the TiVo is one that I love and the Wife doesn't.

Now, I think she'll come around to liking the TiVo. She's not to keen on it, though. I've tried to show her all the features, but she's not been interested. Until last night.

Since I went to the Catfish game last night, I wasn't home when she got home. So, when the TiVo recorded her soap operas, I wasn't there tonight when she got ready to watch them. So, she figured it out by herself.

Now, I don't know if that means she'll be coming around to liking the TiVo or not. But she did watch her soaps, then she watched "24" while it recorded it for me. Plus, as I found out when I watched "24" after the game, she deleted her shows when she was done. And, yes, I confirmed it with her that she did just that, and that the TiVo was working as hoped.

The other thing she didn't like about the TiVo was the telephone line strung across the living room. You see, the TiVo wasn't compatible with my USB wireless adapter. Which means that it wouldn't hook into my home network. It had to use the telephone to dial up and download updates and program schedules.

But, the compatible adapter I ordered came in Monday, so I installed it after "24" and now I don't have a telephone line stretching from the TV, across the fish tank, into the kitchen and the wall phone jack. Now, the wireless adapter is hooking us up to the network. Entering the password information for the wireless network I'm running was quite easy and everything's working just fine.

Still, the TiVo is my toy. She's not sold on it. Or, if she is, she is not going to give me the satisfaction of knowing that.

We all have our toys. I play with computers and TiVo. She plays with my mind.


  1. I paid $1500 for my first VCR which shows both my age and my gizmo fetish. It had a hardwired remote that could start, stop, and pause -- that's it. Luckily it came with a blank tape as new ones were selling for $25 at the time. Now I have the DVR from the cable company. It is a wonderful thing. To quote Yakov Smirnoff, "What a country!"

  2. "she plays with my mind" and that's how it should be!

  3. When my hubby wanted to switch to a DVR (we have Moxie) I complained for days. Now??? I LOVE MY DVR!!! Love it love it love it. Wouldn't want to be without. She'll come around.... :)

  4. Wait a minute, if you have all the toys and she only has your mind to play with.....she's getting jypped, isn't she? hehe


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