Saturday, April 22, 2006

Notes and Open TrackBacks

Connectivity Issues

The storm last night has caused some issues with getting online today. Dial-up is working. DSL is hit and miss.


Got a steroid shot that, it is hoped, will assist in recovery of leg use. She still can't walk, but is in better spirits. She's supposed to get another shot today. If they work, she may not only recover use of her legs, she might start in the outfield for the San Francisco Giants.


Snapped out of a three-game skid and are again tied for second place. A win tonight means either alone in second at 3 ½ back, or tied for second 2 ½ games back.


TiVo rules. It's on the network, and when it's up (most of the time, just issues today) it means we get updates faster, plus have access to Live360, which seems to be Internet radio. Oh, and we got the time zone issue fixed, so shows are listed as Easter Time.

Blog Interviews

Don't forget to submit your questions for Allan (Politechnical) and for Republican Jen. It would be quite helpful if you'd use the links on the Upcoming Interviews page, so they'll go to the correct address and Gmail will sort them properly.

Open TrackBacks

Limited connectivity means I'm not able to surf the blogrolls like I want. So it's Open TrackBacks Saturday.

If you have an interesting post that you'd like to share, please leave a TrackBack to that post, and please link to this post so that others can enjoy the fun. If your blog can't generate TrackBacks, use either the form here or here.


  1. Serious drag with the connectivity issues, dude. Hope it gets better soon! :D We in Maryland may be next re the big storms... :-P

  2. Earth Day Common Sense from a (Former) Greenpeace Moonbat...

    The last thing I ever thought I’d be doing this morning is agreeing with one of the co-founders of Greenpeace. Patrick Moore, however, preaches common sense this Earth Day.


  3. Message of Hope- (VIDEOS)...

    (Coincidence THM :) Link: On Earth Day, hope for the environment! As we celebrate Earth Day this Saturday, there exist environmental conditions which are beyond our control... Here is one that is not: VIEW VIDEOS......

  4. Voting For Mayor In New Orleans...

    New Orleans still has the “roach motel” action. Busing in voters to keep the incumbent in office when the incumbent couldn’t bus them out when their lives depended on it. You may be asking yourself, “If you don’t live in N...

  5. Money/Gas saving Tips...

    Since gas prices are going up fast here's a little help for everyone.

    Make sure your tires are properly inflated normally thats 35 on the little meter thingy for most cars and light trucks. Underinflated tires can cost ya 2 mpg....

  6. Pride: E85 Price Check (Updated)...

    Nah... Big Oil wouldn't jack up prices just to get special dispensation from Congress... would they???...

  7. IRAN: Their Sabotage and Misconceptions...

    Perhaps Ahmadinejad should take a look at his own country, censored from expressing their division on his leadership; and his continuing open-sabotage of Iraq: Read this post, by an Iraqi dentist, who maps the violence, as it leads back to Iran... Stre....


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