Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Picnic 2006-04-12

Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.


  1. Reality Sets In...

    Linked at Basil's Blog....

  2. The Knuckleheads of the Day award...

    Today's winners are James Ralph Snyder and Mary Jo Jensen....

  3. McCain ignores the loopholes….again....

    As mentioned on Tuesday’s Rush Limbaugh Show, below are ten “loopholes” in the Kennedy-McCain-Spector immigration reform bill identified by Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama. The entire text of Sen. Sessions statement to the Senate c...

  4. Let's Not Nuke Iran-Yet ...

    While nuking Iran sounds like a great idea, I don't think we should rush into things before we take care of some unfinished business.

  5. Happy Passover...

    May all of TFM's Jewish readers have a blessed holiday. That includes one of my favorite bloggers, Hooah Wife. Go and visit Greta's blog, it will be well worth the time....

  6. What's Wrong with Illegal Immigration?...

    Law, by its nature, says: you are either a law abiding citizen or a criminal. Society cannot exist long if it makes laws that it is unwilling to enforce, or allows individuals to chose to follow them or not.


  7. 911? There's a squirrel stuck in the tree...

    As my late father used to say- "It takes all types of people to make up the world and if you live long enough you'll meet every single one of them."...

  8. Wednesday: Caption This!...

    Well, since so many others are doing this, I thought I would give it a go. I may try to make this a Wednesday regular post.
    Caption This!


  9. I like warm weather......

    The weather is finally nice enough to open windows and let fresh air in. Being able to go outside without a bulky coat feels great. Only one problem though....

  10. WMD - about those trailers...

    What's old is new again and just like Hollywood, the adversarial press retreads old stories with only minor changes in constant attempts to damage the administration...

  11. [...] Open posted to: Adam’s Blog, Beltway Traffic Jam, Blue Star Chronicles, TMH’s Bacon Bits, Stuck On Stupid, third world county, Cao’s Blog, Jo’s Cafe, Basil’s Blog Related stories:Licorice Haters Protest Black Jelly BeansProbst May Replace CBS Anchor Bob SchiefferChihuahua Racing to Sooth Iraqi InsurgencyAssociated Press Suspends Good News IndefinitelyNetworks to Require On-Field Sports Reporter Competency TestNBC Peacock Feeling Network's IllsACLU Warns Against Purple Finger PartiesLost in Translation: Egyptians in uproar over destruction of food pyramidMedia Mourns End Of Election [...]

  12. [...] Open posted to: Adam’s Blog, Beltway Traffic Jam, Blue Star Chronicles, TMH’s Bacon Bits, Stuck On Stupid, third world county, Cao’s Blog, Jo’s Cafe, Basil’s Blog Related stories:Licorice Haters Protest Black Jelly BeansProbst May Replace CBS Anchor Bob SchiefferChihuahua Racing to Sooth Iraqi InsurgencyAssociated Press Suspends Good News IndefinitelyNetworks to Require On-Field Sports Reporter Competency TestNBC Peacock Feeling Network's IllsACLU Warns Against Purple Finger PartiesLost in Translation: Egyptians in uproar over destruction of food pyramidMedia Mourns End Of Election [...]

  13. This review is actually what I think about modern, gay sheep herders....

    To be clear, this is what I think without having seen the film but having read more than my share of reviews. Brokeback Mountain a well-crafted film examining a tragic flaw that destroys an otherwise good man, making him an oath-breaker in thrall to a...


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