Friday, April 28, 2006

Picnic 2006-04-28

Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.

  • Macker (Macker's World) says Star Trek needs a rest

  • Beth (MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy) is fed up with the left's way of raising children

  • SobekPundit gives a look into his White House staff.

  • Alabama Improper is making sacrafices

  • John Lillpop (Citizen Conservative) says to turn the May Day protests around

  • Jo's Cafe is happy with the Tony Snow pick

  • Phin is changing jobs ... and habits

  • Harvey forgot about the Burger King dude in the back yard


  1. Gun Control...

    I heard a politician on the radio yesterday, who talked about illegal handguns in such a way as to make you think that the guns themselves were the problem, rather than the crime being committed with them. He said he'd...

  2. The Co-Knucklehead of the Day award Part One...

    Our first winner is the Indonesian Tennis Association...

  3. Mending Walls...

    "Something there is that doesn’t love a wall... " It’s the curse of the self-proclaimed intellectual to deem the insights of “lesser” folk to be shallow......

  4. Hunters, Anglers, and Treehuggers Join Forces...

    Today's GOP-controlled Congress has shown itself to be no friend of the environment, but even by conservatives' own standards, last October's surprise was a standout. An amendment inserted at the last minute into a budget reconciliation bill would h...

  5. The Co-Knucklehead of the Day award Part Two...

    Today's second winner is Jamie LaMunyon....

  6. Bush Caved Twice...

    You can’t get into bed with the enemy any more than this: betraying your own base while gaining near giddy approval by the enemy for rewarding illegal criminals with pardons and citizenship.


  7. Iran's New Assembly-line Missiles...

    Citing German intelligence data, Iran has just received a shipment of missiles from North Korea; i.e. Russia's OLD bombs! And in the assembly-line, Iran continues to fine-tune their "undetectable" missile launchers....

  8. Medal of Honor Recipient leading troops in Kuwait...

    There are but a few Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients that are alive today and still serving in our Armed Services. The following story is of one such Recipient, Lt. Col. Gordon Roberts, still serving and leading troops in support of Operation I...

  9. The Co-Knucklehead of the Day award Part Three...

    Our third winner is Scott Keatley....

  10. Frivolous Friday with Blogging Hotties...

    I am putting together a list of the hottest female bloggers (atleast from what I can tell from the pictures on their sites). Of course, beauty is only skin deep, and I enjoy their writing as well....

  11. Otherwise what would they do for re-runs?...

    I guess the network still has lots of time slots to fill....

  12. The Co-Knucklehead of the Day award Part Four...

    Our fourth winner today is Jim VandeHei of the Washington Post....

  13. The Co-Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Our fifth winner today is Warren Kremer Paino Advertising LLC....


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