Monday, April 3, 2006

Picnic 2006-04-03

Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.


  1. [...] Open posted to: Basil’s Blog, third world county, Mark My Words Related stories:Mouse Testes Research Means Higher Hot Dog PricesGovernment Study: Four Leaf Clovers Bad LuckGovernment Report: Nose Hair Protects Against Flu in MenCamp Cupcake Researchers Isolate 'Crafty' GeneFDA: Children's Vitamins May Cause Child Werewolf SyndromeSoy Fire Logs Mean Heat, Good Nutrition For HomelessBaloneyPress Science and Medical BriefWhite House To Be Declared Envrironmental Superfund SiteSpazzed Scientist's Notes Raise Questions About Global Warming [...]

  2. Anger: Dittos...

    Maybe it is time to just like the Times article and say "Dittos"....

  3. Linkfests for April 3, 2006...

    At Linkfest Haven, we connect Linkfest hosts and bloggers interested in promoting their work. To accomplish this task, we need the help of Linkfest Hosts. All we ask is that you link to Linkfest Haven and trackback your post to the trackback URL of t.....

  4. The Knuckleheads of the Day award...

    Today's winners are Ken Hilzer and Robert Stein Inc. roofing company for whom he works, plus the Palm Beach County Building Division....

  5. Who Done it?...

    This story just reminds me of two siblings when confronted by their mother. Both children point a finger at the other and say. "Mom he(she)did it!"...

  6. Play Ball! Not Quite....

    Saturday was opening day for my son's little league team. Unfortunatly, the weather here in Sacramento has been miserable. Rain and clouds non stop. Appearantly, March has been one of the wettest on record and April is not starting off very good eith....

  7. Sen Graham Almost Right on Immigration...

    Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C is basking in the glory of singing in the chorus while John McCain and Ted Kennedy lead the delegation to surrender to the Mexican invasion....

  8. hey it's my favorite too, look it this way, you will laugh all the way through it the next time you see it.

  9. Assisted Suicide Time For Moussaoui...

    As an opponent of capital punishment (it gives the government way too much power) I am nonetheless pleased with the verdict in the Zacarias Moussaoui case. The jury cleared the way to hang him, or however they execute people. Based on what I heard an.....

  10. Things That Make You Go…Hummer...

    You don’t offer some random teenager sex advice. Besides, what could she possibly cover in just two minutes? “He’s in, he’s out, he’s gone, you’re crying. Get the camisole.”


  11. $4.8 Million an hour...

    Where can TFM sign up?...

  12. Favorite Bloggers...

    Brian at Iowa Voice listed his top 10 favorite bloggers. Here is TFM's list, in no particular order....

  13. Condi Rice - A Class Act...

    What is there NOT to like about Dr. Condi Rice? She is currently laying down the law to the powers that be in Baghdad. She tells them they've got to step up to the plate or get stronger leadership....

  14. It's a bluff...

    It's a dangerous game being played in Tehran, and I still fear a calamnity could soon occur in that part of the world....


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