Friday, April 21, 2006

The Man (GOP and the City)

This week, the blog interviews continue with a blogger that I've enjoyed for as long as I've been blogging: The Man from GOP and the City...

Our interview panel is ready with their questions...

We're ready for the first question...

Why did you choose Sparks as your icon?

Because Sparks knows what he's doing, unlike the idiots that surround him. Sort of like being a Republican in New York City. Plus I was really into Sealab 2021 at the time I got started and Fatass McBlobbicus was already taken.

Is Jack Bauer the baddest man alive?

Yes. 4 out of 5 Chuck Norris fans agree.

How old were you when you realized you were "The Man," and are you the same "The Man" that has been keeping people down for decades?

No, the previous "The Man" passed the title down to me a few years ago. Since then I have got married and have not had enough spare time to spend keeping people down. Anyone interested in becoming the next "the man" should send me an email.

Why are you a Republican?

I started paying attention to politics after I got out of college and started paying taxes. But the fiasco of the 2000 election really got me notice the differences between the parties. Hell, I voted for Larar Alexander in the 2000 Republicn primary in Tennessee (he had already dropped out of the race by then). I don't vote down the party line though, espically in New York where Republican candidates are sometimes hard to find.

What's your favorite TV show (other than "24")?

I like My Name is Earl and I like to watch Commander in Chief to get ready for life under Hillary. So far it looks real bleak.

Is "24" killing off enough of the characters from previous years?

Yes. I was sad to see Palmer get killed off, him and Bauer seemed like the only 2 people in all of the world with a pair. I was never a big fan of Edgar (I never understood how he passed the CTU physical). I'm still hoping they squeeze in a Kim Bauer -v- Cougar matchup before the end of this season. Oh... Jack Bauer will die at the end of this season, mark my words.

What's your biggest disappointment with George W. Bush?

Probably not responding to critics and letting the wave of dissaproval just wash over him. Supporters have just been left to fend for themselves while he just sits back and takes it like a Skull and Bones pledge.

How would John Kerry have handled that issue?

Blamed Bush. How else?

What's the most Redneck / White trash thing you've ever done?

I started a food fight in 4th grade by rolling up a brownie so it looked like a turd. I then threw the "turd" across the cafeteria at some guy and hit him in the face. He threw it at someone else, another kid threw some crackers, and it went downhill from there. I was the only one to end up getting in trouble.

Would you rather spend a day with Jack Bauer or George W. Bush?

A day with Jack Bauer. That's as long as I was not wearing a red shirt or acting as his backup.

With no one killed by Jack this week on "24", does this mean that Bauer is losing his touch?

My wife asked me a similar question about Bauer. She asked, "does Jack Bauer kill someone each week?" The answer to both questions is "no" because he kills in spurts. He has killed 31 people (as of 1am) which is around 1.72 an episode. That means Jack Bauer is going to kill 15,067 people this year. So give the guy a break if he goes an hour without killing.

When someone "sticks it to The Man" are they, in fact, sticking it to you?

Yes and it hurts my feelings. Please stop.

Why the hell do you have the 24 Cell phone game, 24: The Game for PS2, and a blog about 24?

I think the correct question would be "why the hell do you not have the CTU Ringtone on your cell phone?" The answer to that question is "I have not been able to find it yet".

When Jack Bauer is killed off at the end of the season, who should be the star of Season Six?

Thank you, no one belives that Jack will die this season. As for the star of the next few seasons, at Blogs4Bauer we have some ideas where the show will be heading: 24 Prequels.

What's the best caption contest you ever had?

It had to be Bill Clinton speaking at National Foundation of Infectious Diseases. Click Here to check that one out. The "John Kerry Is..." one was pretty good as well. Really anytime a protesting muslim or or hippie holds up a sign, a good caption contest is right around the corner.

Is Jack Bauer a Republican?

No. Jack Bauer died in Season 4. People who vote after they die are usually Democrats. Sorry guys, it's a proven fact.

How many of the women in The City are like Carrie?

There are many immitators, thankfully the show was over by the time I moved her so girls started acting more like Samantha again. Ohh-ya.

How many are like Samantha?

I met a few.

Is Big a Republican?

Wasn't he a successuful businessman? Well he did not become rich by sitting outside a post office manning the Lyndon Larouche information booth.

I enjoy your blog (GOP and the City), but I am not too into New York politics....I don't know who this Bauer guy is.


Your reaction to the Democrats listed in the 4/10/06 post on Radio Equalizer trying to force KFYI in Phoenix off the air for criticizing Illegal Immigration?

To tell the truth, I have not been paying that much attention to the whole immigration debate. Both sides seem to be more interested in playing politics instead of fixing the problem. I will probably hold off until Hillary becomes president and then I will blame it all on her.

The Man's brother
Why'd you have to beat my ass so bad?

I swear I'm not a member of the Duke Lacrosse team. Oh, this probably has something to do with the Hot Wing Conspiracy Fantasy Football or Baseball league. I tend to kick a little ass in both.

What's the best thing about The City?

"The City" is really the best thing about The City. New York is an amazing place with great people, buildings, and events.

What's the worst thing about The City?

Besides the Knicks? Well it has to be The Jets. Oh, and all the damn Democrats.

Thanks to The Man for taking the time to answer our questions.

Tomorrow, it's Karen (Pondering Penguin)...

1 comment:

  1. You are THE MAN!!! Wait, I think we already established that fact. Nevermind.


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