Saturday, April 1, 2006

April Fool's Weekend Open Trackbacks

Celebrating April Fool's this weekend. If you haven't seen our tribute to Harvey, go here.

In the meantime, if you have an interesting post that you'd like to share, please leave a TrackBack to that post, and please link to this post so that others can enjoy the fun. If you need help with TrackBacks, Harvey of Bad Example has an excellent primer here, or check out my post about TrackBacks here. If your blog can't generate TrackBacks, use either the form here or here.


  1. Weekend News Cruise/ Open Post...

    Leave me some Linky Lovin y'all...

  2. Shedding Some Light?...

    Is this for real?
    It's worth checking out, that's for sure!...

  3. Carnival Of The Celebrities...

    This week, the big news is Sharon Stone's chest. Seems audiences are mocking her full-frontal nudity in Basic Instinct II....

  4. The Knuckleheads of the Day award...

    Today's winners are Lee County(Florida) School District Superintendent James Browder and high school consultant Herb Wiseman....

  5. Anger: Game Show...

    Johnny(the deep voiced announcer):Now it's time to play...


    with your host, Sinner!

  6. Congress Passes Anti Nose-Picking Bill...

    WASHINGTON — Congress acted with rare expediency yesterday when members passed a bill aimed at curbing the national nose-picking epidemic exposed in Tuesday’s edition of The Baloney Press.
    The House voted 433-2 for the bill. Representative...

  7. Link to "April Fools" Hoaxes...


  8. I suggest Texas go one further step...

    Wanna bet the bill would die a fast death then?...

  9. [...] Linked with Wizbang's Carnival of the Trackbacks LVII and basil's April Fool's Weekend Open Trackbacks Humor   Trackback URL: [...]

  10. Anti-Semitism Simulation Distresses Eighth Graders...

    Random Yak's Yak of the Week award thisweek goes to a public school in Florida that put on a disastrous Holocaust Remembrance Day Event. Apopka Memorial Middle School forced half of the Eighth Graders to wear yellow stars and subjected......

  11. Mayor Bloomberg is faltering...

    A few weeks ago, Michael Bloomberg screwed up when he wouldn't fire the prison imam who was going about recruiting for jihad in New York prisons. Now, he goes even more off the rails with a laughable argument that illegal immigrants are needed to tak....


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