Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Picnic 2006-04-05

Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.

  • Dinigan throws his hat into the ring against Cynthia McKinney

  • Random Yak looks at considering Christianity

  • Daisy Cutter is looking forward to watching United 93

  • In The Bullpen finds NBC looking at "Muslim Sikhs"

  • OptyMyst wonders what kind of friend does a criminal make

  • Angel (Woman Honor Thyself) looks at heros

  • David Drake looks at who's limiting free speech

  • Gennie (Dizzy Girl) does Kellie

  • Conservative Thinking looks at the new Iranian torpedoes

  • Buckley F. Williams (The Nose On Your Face) finds the reason McKinney wasn't recognized

  • Taleena (Sun Comprehending Glass) looks at immigration

  • Blog interviews information is available here.


  1. My Plan for World Peace -- and Just Maybe a Nobel...

    So what's to do? Let the whole jihad just slowly simmer, steadily getting hotter until open warfare finally breaks out after the first terrorist nuke or bio-attack? A tempting choice, I know. But before we go down that route, please take a second to ....

  2. What is Wrong with this Picture?...

    Here is a photo of a marquee at a fast food restaurant in Warrenton, VA....

  3. Sloth: Coffee...

    Another brief conversation with my morning coffee...

  4. Thanks for the link, Basil. Have you seen the trailer? Very powerful and very well-done. Let's roll.

  5. Danger Will Robinson! Danger!...

    The greater threat to our nation's security comes not from Dubai and its pro-Western government, but from Venezuela, where software engineers with links to the leftist, anti-American regime of Hugo Chávez are programming electronic voting machines th...

  6. Starbucks Coupon from China, Redeemed in Maryland...

    Starbucks in China A well meaning friend gives me a gift certificate from Starbucks. While we were in Shanghai. So I pack it home, thinking I would attempt to redeem in the US of A, then blog bad when......

  7. Splinter Justice...

    Did you get a boo-boo in the playground? Burned your bottom on the slide? Catch a splinter while on the teeter-totter?
    You could be a millionaire! Yes! Just call attorney Scott Caudill....

  8. Estate to Cell: The End of Exile...

    Also arrested, U.S. citizen, "Chucky Taylor" (Father: Charles Taylor)
    It is reported that while "Chucky" executed several people, Charles Sr. had to place him under house arrest, because "little Chucky's" rages were so violent!...

  9. Give ‘em a taste of ehat they say they want...

    Students waving a Mexican flag and proclaiming allegiance to
    “reconquista” are engaging NOT in free political speech but in sedition and should be punished… or deported to the land of their affections.


  10. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Brian J Doyle...

  11. Thanks Basil for the linky !

  12. The American Thinker...

    What I wish would happen is that our Senators would actually realize the difference and stop worrying about illegal immigrants becoming a new voting bloc that they will have to pander too. The McCain's and the Spector's are worried that illegals(noti...

  13. Some good writing on immigration....

    This young lady at sun comprehending glass is rational and still manages to look at the moral resonance in emotional reactions, on both sides (crime and emergency medical care to thsoe in need, for example) of the immigration debate.
    Hat tip, Basil, ...

  14. Rep. McKinney is a problem that needs a solution....

    You may have heard about the massive, traumatic embarrassment Congress has had foisted upon it (in know, I know, but if even Congress can be embarrassed so badly …) of late by a certain Congresswoman with a bad hair day and a bad attitude. Rep. ...

  15. Alka Selzer at 2...

    The professor has so much time on his hands he is welcome to study me. I just wouldn't hold my breath in anticipation. For one thing I probably don't Michelle's legs.(Time for sarcastic laughter)...

  16. TFM made the news!...

    Hey, Hey how about that. Thank you Jennifer Booth Reed. With my increased blog traffic of late and things like this, TFM is on on its way up. First Ft. Myers, then the World!...

  17. What a load of crap...

    The front page of the Palm Beach Post's local section today featured a cow and a large hill of maneure. Here is the article. You got to love the Florida MSM, who else would think an overturned port-a-potty is news?...

  18. The Sky is Falling!...

    What's next, Big Macs sold at Burger King?...

  19. Rep. Slosberg- You need a lesson on the constituti...

    There are tough DUI laws out there already. There will always be those who drink and drive, we need to get them off the roads but throwing the constitution out isn't the answer....

  20. Thanks for the linky-love, Basil. As always, great Picnic. :)

  21. Yep, great picnic, and haHA! I *do* link to you. :p

  22. OptyMyst:

    My apologies. That is fixed.

  23. hehe - i just fixed mine this morning, too. i always try to link back to those who link. thanks!


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