Saturday, April 29, 2006

Republican Jen

Today, we continue our series of interviews with another favorite, Republican Jen...

The interview panel is ready...

Now, the first question...

What is your opinion of bloggers as compared to the msm for veracity?

When searching for the truth, you would want someone on the job who has the time and experience to dig up the information needed. In that way, you'd think the MSM would be better, but sadly enough, they are not always truthful when reporting the news. Then step in the bloggers who have sort of become the watchdogs of the MSM. I believe one reason blogs are so very popular is because they've caught the MSM in several lies. (i.e. Dan Rather and LGF)

Many bloggers that I read simply find the MSM articles that most people wouldn't have the time to look for on their own and highlight them. Others provide informative commentary. Some are reporters in their own right, like Michelle Malkin, and quite frankly, I'd trust her over Katie Couric any day.

Personally, I have been blogging in one way or another since before they called it blogging, and its always been about my opinions. My version of the truth. My hope is that with the citizenry communicating at breakneck speed online, we can make journalism more honest and call out the lies when we see them. God bless the internet!

If you could hang out with one band or musician for a weekend, who would it be?

There is one rock band that most classical musicians can agree on... RUSH. Their "Moving Pictures" album is really fun to listen to. I think what makes them different from other bands is their use of mixed meter. ;) I could hang out with them and have some intelligent conversations.

However, I am a classical musician, and if you were asking me what classical musician... I guess I'd have to go with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. That would be like watching a trainwreck. Who could not watch that?

Paper or plastic?

Shopping bags: plastic Must... use... as many... petroleum products... as ... possible...

What's the best thing about Texas?

No state income tax. We kicked out a governor for suggesting the idea, and we're not too shy to do it again.

What's the worst thing about Texas?

Property taxes. This is the current fight going on in our legislature and it's separating the conservatives from the moderates within the Republican party.

If you could relive one day in your life, what day would that be?

I really enjoyed my wedding day. It was very low stress and the cakes were yummy. Everyone had a fun time and it was a beautiful day. The only thing I would change is that I would invite all my new online friends that I've met since 1999. ;)

What is George W. Bush's biggest fault as President?

He's too goshdarn trusting! He invited Ted Kennedy over for 'movie night' at the beginning of his presidency and Kennedy turned around and bit him in the butt. That has happened to him several times and it annoys me to the nth degree.

What is George W. Bush's greatest strength as President?

He is honest. If he says, "We're going to defend Israel if Iran attacks her", Iran knows that isn't an idle threat because of Iraq and Afghanistan. He isn't a pushover on foreign policy, and that makes evil men quake in their boots. Now, if only more leaders were like him in that way...

What's your favorite passage of scripture?

I like the story of Shadrach, Meshach and AbedNego found in Daniel 3:8 - 30. They did not bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar, but stood by their principles that they bow to no one but God. That kind of courage of conviction is most inspiring.

What's the most Redneck / White trash thing you've ever done?

My childhood friend and I went down to this bridge that went over a swampy canal and put toilet paper on it back and forth across the bridge. Lucky for us, the bridge was hardly travelled and the toilet paper got weighted down and disintigrated in the mist before anyone drove through it. Took about fifteen minutes. Bet you didn't know there were swamps and boondocks in Texas!

Who was the greatest Democrat president?

::stuck:: Oh, myyyyy...

Hmm... let's see... I have to do some research before answering this one.

Bill Clinton... dirty rotten filthy you know what, heck no, not him

Jimmy Carter... communist sympathizer playing footsies with Chavez

Lyndon Johnson... welfare king

John Kennedy... made more of an impression w/his death than his presidency

Harry Truman... too many social programs

Franklin Roosevelt... socialist

Woodrow Wilson... income taxing socialist

Grover Cleveland... won a majority of votes but not enough electoral votes his second run, and looks like the Democrat party deserted him in the end. Also, he said on subsidies, "Federal aid in such cases encourages the expectation of paternal care on the part of the Government and weakens the sturdiness of our national character." Looking good.

James Buchanan... brought on the Civil War through inattention

Franklin Pierce... same as Buchanan

James K. Polk... Mexican American war president, acquired much land for the USA through diplomacy, expansionist... not terrible traits

Martin Van Buren... opposed to the annexation of Texas into the union. BAD MAN!!!!

Andrew Jackson... Cherokee trail of tears. Not a winner there.

Seeing as Polk was considered a "Jacksonian", I'll have to go with President Grover Cleveland. He was not a wildly popular president, even within his own party, and he stuck to his convictions. As Democrat presidents go, not so bad. He also said, "What is the use of being elected or re-elected unless you stand for something?" Good question.

Who's the greatest fictional character in all of literature?

I really enjoyed "The Lord of the Rings" series, and Frodo's complicated story of sacrifice, devotion and conviction was the most interesting to me. Also, the courage displayed by Eowyn when she faced the Lord of the Nazgul was quite thrilling. The books truly are brilliantly written.

What's in your purse?

Not the kitchen sink. My wallet, my ID badges, my keys, a pen, some lip moisturizers (all brass players have 3 or 4 at a time), Listerine breath strips (keeps the sinuses open), and that's about it.

What's your favorite movie of all time?

I'm a big fan of sci-fi, and I enjoy all of the Star Wars movies, as well as Bladerunner, The Fifth Element, Twelve Monkeys, Lord of the Rings. However, the Olivia Newton John musical XANADU is tops on my list. Hey, you know you liked it!

What's your favorite song?

Of course, that changes from time to time. If it's Rush, I'd go with YYZ or The Trees. If it's Bon Jovi, I'd go with Blaze of Glory. If it's some top twenty song from today, I go with "Pump It" by the Black-Eyed Peas.

What cartoon best represents you?

Garfield. Cynical, sleep loving, Monday hating, stupid dog teasing, smart mouth.

This has been great! I hope everyone learned a lot.

And a huge thanks to Republican Jen for agreeing to the interview.


  1. Basil, Thanks for the interview! I've linked here from my blog.

  2. This was a great interview. I already knew how great Jen is and how she really does speak for me, but it's nice to see her be recognized by others!

  3. Wonderful and interesting introspective interview.I was really impressed with Jen's knowledge of past demo presidents.

  4. To Republican Jen I say only "Great Minds Think Alike." I am also highly impressed with the photo of singer Don Williams sprinkled throughout. His "Amanda" and "She's in Love with a Rodeo Man" are among my favorites.

  5. Thanks for the love, y'all :)

  6. Chip off the old block. LOL. Great interveiw. I too was impressed by Jen's knowledge of the past Dem. Presidents, but then and again she sort of grew up with music, sports, politicis,history, and good morals, such as "do unto others as your want done to you.". Way to go Basil and Jen.


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