- NPR: Supreme Court Justice Souter To Retire http://bit.ly/lSOEd No change to the balance. Liberal to be replaced by a liberal #tcot #
- FOX: Experts Warn Internet Is Running Out of Bandwidth http://bit.ly/n8rOr That's why I save mine in jars #
- Bowling Green, KY woman diagnosed with swine flu http://bit.ly/1avEwd I told the baseball team to not move there, but would they listen? No. #
- FOX: swine flu may have originated in California http://bit.ly/1NZ3B How long before it's a CIA plot to kill Mexicans? #tcot #
- FOX: Britain Ends Combat Operations in Iraq http://bit.ly/hKo86 Now, if only the terrorists would end combat operations... #tcot #
- NYTimes: Detainees May Be Held on U.S. Soil http://bit.ly/UmV4W I'd feel better if they were held under the soil #tcot #
- MSNBC: Craigslist suspect’s ex-fiancee ‘moving on’ http://bit.ly/y4jXE Must have heard Scott Peterson was available #
- GM and Chrysler took the money, Ford didn't. Which one hasn't filed for bankruptcy? #tcot #
- April deadliest month for US troops in Iraq since Sept. http://bit.ly/KO9bi Under Bush, "quagmire;" under Obama, "progress" #tcot #
- CNN calls Souter "fierce defender of individual rights" http://bit.ly/6g7X9 No mention of Kelo v New London http://bit.ly/2jv8Vt #tcot #
- Bartender turns wine into water http://bit.ly/133PUf Does that mean he's the Antichrist? #
- Okay, I'll say it. Calling it "H1N1" makes you sound like a h0m0. -- Lord, I apologize, & be with the starvin' pygmies in New Guinea. #
- Is the White House closed for May Day? #tcot #
- I am tired of these monkey-fighting snakes on this Monday-to-Friday plane http://tinyurl.com/cqw2xv #
- In 1968, I was told that a black man would be president when pigs flew. 100 days after Obama takes office: swine flu. #
- Overheard at lunch: someone pronouncing "H1N1" as "hiney." I nearly spit tea out my nose. #
- With gay marriages in Iowa, I wonder what an update of The Music Man would be like? I say Ya Got Trouble... #tcot #
- CNN warns: Travelers returning from Mexico should be cautious http://bit.ly/WFcHF What about those going TO Mexico? #
- Rasmussen poll: 69% of GOP says party "out of touch" with base http://bit.ly/zGJlD Party solutuon? Change base. #
- Jesse Jackson sued over speech no-show: http://bit.ly/P4my4 Some people don't know how good they have it. #
- Auburn, AL, boy suspected of having swine flu sent home. Testing on him will wait. 200 test backlog in AL. http://tinyurl.com/clb5tp #
- So, did Obama just fire Souter? #tcot #
- Obama's ratings down 29% http://bit.ly/138FYj Cancellation fears loom, networks ready The Joe Biden Show #tcot #
- Berlusconi says he's more popular than Obama http://bit.ly/gNplc I don't care. I didn't vote for either one. #
- YouTube helps father deliver baby http://bit.ly/10mBdz I knew those Trunk Monkey videos would come in handy. #
Follow me at http://twitter.com/basilsblog.
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