Saturday, January 13, 2007

Blogrolling 2007-01-13

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. The Samoan Exception...

    OK, the Donks got their minimum wage hike through the House by a 315-116 vote (yes, that means 82 Republicans voted for the measure)...but there's one...little...catch: the bill extends the Federal minimum wage to the US territory of the North...

  2. Iran Be Patient, Your Turn Is Next...

    They have talked about it in that past as a possible way to end their nuclear weapons program, but now the need is to cut off the money and personnel that continues to flow from Iran and be used in the slaughter of innocent civilians and our troops....

  3. Illegal Immigration, Xenophobia and Xenophily...

    I leave it to your imagination to play with this word and its implications the next time some loony leftist "loose-bolt" tries to label you a Xenophobe!...

  4. Most Outrageous Media quotes of the year Awards...

    Gotta love these folks.

    This is the Media Research Center's annual awards issue, a compilation of the most outrageous and/or humorous news media quotes from 2006 (December 2005 through November 2006). To determine this year's winners, a panel of 5...

  5. NYT ignores the obvious reason for infanticide...

    There is a law on the books in NY and many other states that allow a mother to abandon a baby at a safe location and then call someone to let them know that the baby is there and they won't be charged with abandonment. But there are still women who k....

  6. In Praise of the Open Trackback...

    Some may remember, though many have likely forgotten, the Great Open Trackback Wars of 2005/2006. (OK, nobody else called them that, but some of you might have noticed that I enjoy making mountains out of molehills when it suits my purpose.)
    I rem...

  7. (S)Wordplay in Portsmouth and the ACLU...

    Looks like it.
    Patrick Agin is seventeen years old, attends high school in Portsmouth, Rhode Island and carries a sword on the weekends.
    Well, maybe not all weekends.
    Agin, who is a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism and a medieval histor...

  8. self-cleaning underwear: celebrities respond...

    Many of you readers will recall your mother's warning never to venture outside unless your underwear is spotless; God Forbid you're in an car accident and after they wipe away all the blood, guts, urine, and broken bones they should discover brown st...

  9. Hillary Thinks Being Protected is a Shame...

    Senator Hillary Clinton, a woman who is running for the presidency, took a break from her busy campaigning schedule to visit with the troops in Iraq. She is there to tell us how bad things are in that objective, nonjudgmental way for which the Democ...

  10. Asalamu aleykum: No we Americans are not Islamopho...

    Why is it when Americans voice their right of freedom of speech regarding the growing trend in America to appease Muslims and Islam, dissenting saying this is wrong, we are labeled Islamophobics? Muslims do not mind pointing out how the U.S. or the .....

  11. (MOGS) A Story about Guns...

    I filed this under Coffee, Beer, Grilling Such because it sees like the right thing to do, for now, unless Pidge decides to start a Guns category, in hopes that our favorite former USMC armorer, Denver Braa Yes That's His...

  12. Michael Collins, My Irish Hero...

    We all have those who inspire us and motivate us to do more, work harder, and achieve more, for me one of my greatest heroes is Irish General and revolutionary leader Michael Collins, who was also affectionately known as "The Big Fellow"....

  13. On-and-on-and-on it goes...

    It sure took him long enough. Mike Nifong has been the story for the past nine months. That is, he has been, together with the accuser who can't keep her story straight....

  14. International Film Festival is on......

    Hundreds of the World's Finest pre-released Foreign, Documentary, and Independent films, now on at our Cannes-style PS Film Fest! Will post more of the favorites......

  15. Live Blogging: Quake and Tsunami (not)...

    Not a good idea to Live-blog these type of things... :D...

  16. Our Long National Nightmare of Sandy Berger and the Classified Documents...

    Don't miss the Wall Street Journal's must-read article, The Berger Files. The full degree of Sandy Berger's treachery in stealing documents from the National Archives has not yet really sunk in for the general public, mainly because the left-leading...

  17. Bush to Critics: Put Up or Shut Up...

    Bush Lashes Out at Opponents on Iraq Plan
    President Bush fought back at lawmakers opposing his new plan for Iraq today, charging that simply being against the strategy without suggesting alternatives was “irresponsible.” He challenged them ...


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