Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Blogrolling 2007-01-24

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. WTW: Nuanced Surrender By Jim Webb...

    Morning, y'all. Jebediah Murphy here, and I just gots to say that that Jim Webb feller sure knows how to nuance cuttin' n runnin'. Take a gander at some of his words from his rebuttal (via CNS News)
    …The second regards our foreign po...

  2. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Bargain Suppliers, an Wisconsin based company....

  3. Senator Webb: how we see the health of our economy ... how we measure it, and how we ensure that its benefits are properly shared among all Americans....

    Here is the Druge link to the Democratic rebuttal. I am highlighting this section as it has me steaming:
    There are two areas where our respective parties have largely stood in contradiction, and I want to take a few minutes to address them tonight. T...

  4. State of the Union...

    I had a call to complete last night and missed much of the President's address, so I chose to simply read it this morning, absent all the silly interruptions for applause, etc….


  5. Gone Skiing Open Trackbacks...

    Yay!…Finally goin skiing! Yea. Yea. That’s me the snow bunny. Heh.


  6. State of the Union Review...

    It was a workmanlike speech... but......

  7. Graphic and Web Designer - Will work for food...

    Anybody need design work done? If you need a great website designed, of a unique blog design, maybe we can work something out. I’ve met some very nice people through this site, and it occurred to me that if I have to be working for someone, it m...

  8. State of the Union: Speculative...

    Having Ted Nugent close the address might not have been the best idea....

  9. Saying No Amnesty…..President proposes Amnesty for millions of Illegal Immigrants...

    “We’re proud of President Bush……..Recruiting new voters is one of the top priorities for the Democratic party. We’ll have a job for him when we win back the Whitehouse in 2008. Ri...

  10. CSS - Keep it simple...

    Cascading style sheets (CSS) can be simple, complex, convoluted beyond belief. While CSS is the backbone of modern web design, it’s not fully understood by a lot of people using it. I constantly see CSS with significantly more code than is necess...

  11. Save The Border Agents: It Just Gets Worse...

    See that button on the right side about pardoning the border agents? If you haven't filled out the petition, please do so, because it seems as if the agents were prosecuted using the wrong law
    What crime is committed when two Border Patrol agents ...

  12. What Happened at the SOTU Address?...

    The president held the annual State of the union Address last evening and it was an interesting sight as Bush had to face a majority democratic Congress for the first time. I watched and I thought the speech was OK. It, as all of them do, contained ...

  13. [...] [1] Unfit for Command, By John E. O’Neill, Chapter Six, "A Testimony of Lies"; pgs. 99-100.[2] Unfit for Command, By John E. O’Neill, Chapter Six, "A Testimony of Lies"; pgs. 99.[3] Unfit for Command, By John E. O’Neill, Chapter Eight, "Kerry’s Antiwar Secrets"; pgs. 153 & 156. Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson’s Website, The Random Yak, Woman Honor Thyself, stikNstein… has no mercy, Big Dog’s Weblog, basil’s blog, Stuck On Stupid, The Bullwinkle Blog, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe. [...]

  14. Spouse of an Addict? Don't handle it alone....

    Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson, Random Yak, Woman Honor Thyself ...

  15. Tom Cruise the New 'Christ of Scientology...

    The leadership of the cult of Scientology have announced that Tom Cruise is the new 'Christ' of Scientology....

  16. John Kerry to Announce He Will NOT Run for Preside...

    John Kerry is having a press conference to announce he will NOT run for president.

    The talking heads are saying he's still appalled that people don't understand his 'botched joke'....

  17. Soldier's Redress: The Pigeon's Response...

    Here's a hand for Canuckistani, who opened the Reader's Choice Topic with:I am interested in the recent Appeal for Redress several hundred active duty military members signed and presented to the U.S. government asking for an Iraqi withdrawal. I near...

  18. [...] Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson’s Website, Is It Just Me?, The Random Yak, Adam’s Blog, Big Dog’s Weblog, basil’s blog, Common Folk Using Common Sense, Stuck On Stupid, The Bullwinkle Blog, Thought Alarm, Pursuing Holiness, Sujet- Celebrities, Wake Up America, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, stikNstein… has no mercy, The Pink Flamingo, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe. [...]

  19. Take “The Pledge” NOW!...

    It is time for an all out filibuster!  I have taken the pledge.  Will you?  [When you take the pledge note that it is hosted by Truth Laid Bear.]  Read……………
    Crossposted from Hugh Hewitt:
    From Hugh Hewit...

  20. Wednesday Night Talk...

    Tonight we talked about numerous issues including John Kerry's dropping out of the Presidential race, the Fairness docrine, and more. Click here to listen....


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