Friday, January 5, 2007

Headline News 2007-01-05

From ABC News:
Stallone Attacks Mexican Border Fence
Didn't like what it said about him

From ABC News:
Maine OKs Santa, Breasts on Beer Labels
Ho-ho-ho and hos now legal

From ABC News:
FDA Approves 1st Drug for Obese Dogs
Cutting back on Gravy Train not an option

From ABC News:
Texas Boy Watches Saddam, Hangs Self
Texas TV stations to broadcast hanging into Mexico

From ABC News:
Ex-President Bush Recovering From Hip Surgery
Still not hip

From ABC News:
Nancy Pelosi Two Heartbeats From the Presidency
Would be meaningful if she had a heart

From ABC News:
Cleric Gunned Down in Gaza After Plea for Calm
Answer assumed to be 'no'

From ABC News:
220 Pounds of Explosives Found in Spain
Michael Moore's ass located

From ABC News:
J.Lo tops list of most influential Hispanics
Plans to run against Hugo Chavez

From WRTV:
Police find $50,000 worth of pot
Still claim it causes memory loss
From WRTV:
Police find $50,000 worth of pot
Still claim it causes memory loss

From WRTV:
Police find $50,000 worth of pot
Still claim it causes memory loss


  1. [...] For some reason, all day long I was convinced that the Twelfth Day should fall on the Sixth of January, but I have consulted my references, and the Twelve Days of Christmas run from December 25th to January 5th, so my little series, starting here and running until today) has remained current. Take notice, Basil, African American Political Pundit and Jo! (Sorry, I just like doing that.) [...]

  2. Basil spices up the headlines...

    I will give Basil's punchline: "Ho-ho-ho and hos now legal." Now go read the headline to which he refers....

  3. Saturday...

    Ask a Ninja: Ninja Omnideuce basil's blog: Headline News Cox and Forkum: Madame Speaker Don Surber: Do Not Put This Blog in a Washer Day by Day: Thinking Optional Grouchy Old Cripple: Saddam's Cat Guns'n'butter: Ford Farewell Tour to......

  4. [...] Basil spices up the headlines. I will give Basil’s punchline: “Ho-ho-ho and hos now legal.” Now go read the headline to which he refers. [...]

  5. Somalia: Aid, Peacekeepers, & Miracles...

    Al Qaeda's threat of suicide attacks are soon to be staged amongst the Peacekeepers and humanitarian groups will further tarnish and cast the name of Islam into history's darkest moments......

  6. Palestine "lost" in War of Militants...

    The Palestinian Poll reveals the high percentage of Arabs and Jews who are willing to give negotiations, and each other, a chance...Not their military sponsors, though! Expel the Militants, NOW!...

  7. oops (Somalia post in wrong place) (* o *)
    These headlines are really funny, Basil...

  8. [...] Basil does headline news Scrappleface: Leaked Draft of Bush’s Speech On Iraq ‘Way Forward’ Wuzzadem answers reader mail while intoxicated. Barking Moonbat shares some Sunday Funnies. Locust and Honey has Star Wars as a Silent Film. Laughing at Laughter. [...]


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