Friday, January 5, 2007

Weekend Open Trackbacks 2007-01-06

This weekend, we're busy with events. My brother-in-law ... one of them ... passed away yesterday, not unexpectedly. We're out of pocket until Tuesday. Which means no perusing the blogroll. But, if you'd like to share an item via TrackBack, please feel free to do so, as long as your submission follows the TrackBack policy.


  1. Weekend Specials 1/06-1/07...

    Weekend Specials for 1/06-1/07


  2. Plan To Send More Troops Blasted...

    Yes, that is what the headlines states. It is in regard to the letter that Pelosi and Reid sent to the President, without even know what the details of the revised Iraq plans are. I suppose the truth isn't in the details, but in the smear.
    What is ...

  3. Sorry about your loss. Prayers from Florida.

  4. Sorry for your family's loss, Basil.

  5. Fat Fools Protest Warm Weather in January...

    Only in New York City could you find citizens engaging in a silent protest of warm January weather. You really have to pity these gentlemen...a silent protest of what? God...mother nature?

    While everyone I know is ready for at least a little light win...

  6. Sheehahanoid Tracking- WWP Backing...

    Troop vilification efforts and withdrawal pressure sent via satellite throughout the insurgence of the Middle East?! A glance at the Marxist/Leninists backer- origins of Sheehanoid Anti-War....

  7. Thank you all. I appreciate your thoughts, prayers, and concerns.


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