Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Blogrolling 2007-02-14

Items of interest from the blogroll.

If you'd like to share an item via TrackBack, please feel free to do so.


  1. Valentine's Day OTB & Linkfest Feb.14-15, 2007...

     Valentine's Day 2007 This is a Valentine's Day  OTB & Linkfest for Feb. 14-15, 2007. Trackback URL Permalink Other Open Trackback Parties:  Basil's Blog,   Random Dreamer,   Perri Nelson's Website,  Cao's Bl...

  2. The Knuckleheads of the Day award...

    Today's winners are The New York Lottery and its Deputy Director, Susan Miller....

  3. Better than the Best in Show....

    The whole show has gone to the dogs.


  4. Someone give me a drink...

    From MSNBC-

    NEW YORK - Fans of women's golf are the biggest wine drinkers among sports fans in the United States, according to figures released on Thursday....

  5. Ray Nagin & Warren Riley Held In Contempt By Federal Judge...

    New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin (l) and Police Chief Warren Riley (r)

    Well thousands of people have been holding Nagin & Riley in contempt but now a Federal Judge has made it official:

    A United States District Judge in New Orleans has granted a motio...

  6. HOOAH!!!! Radio...

    In an earlier post I wrote about Subsunk from Black Five who produced and edited a video tribute to the troops. I left some comments on Black Five in support of Subsunk's video and got to thinking..."What songs in support of the troops are out th...

  7. Fighting Words Video...

    Subsunk over at Black Five has an outstanding video created by SFC Paul Ray Smith and CPL Jason Dunham (according to the opening credits) that shows photos mainly of our wonderful military personnel both overseas in Iraq and at home set to the song...

  8. [...] really romantically over at Basil’s yet. He must be married. Perhaps he’d be interested in this Church in Homewood Alabama that [...]

  9. Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst...


    After much ado we have finished our first Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst......

  10. Bank of America's Latest Credit Card "Missed Due Date" Scam...

    While the Bank of America defends its program of catering to illegal immigrants by offering credit cards to those who lack both a Social Security number and a credit history, it appears to have found another way to pay for this costly policy. . . .a de...

  11. If only Muslims were Raelians...

    A tip of the turban to Hendy Irawan for reminding us that the Raelian Religion is more fun than Islam: For those of you who don't know, the Raelians are an organization — some would say "alien sex cult" — that believes in scientific creationism....

  12. Happy Valentine's Day...

    Oh, oh. It looks like Debbie at Right Truth may have figured out why Sam hasn't been posting as often as usual......

  13. Exposed...

    Can politicians behave themselves even when out of office?...

  14. is back up of a few hours after your post.... but thanks for the plug, babe :)


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