Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Headline News 2007-02-21

From ABC News:
Top Iraqi Official Fired Over Rape Case
Couldn't find Duke Lacrosse player to blame

From ABC News:
Teen Stumbles Upon Football-Sized Tooth
William "The Refrigerator" Perry found

From ABC News:
Ancient Treasures Discovered in Egypt
History Channel money stays in Land of Pharaohs

From ABC News:
Anna Nicole Smith: The Camera Loved Her
Adds: 'Oh, and about 2,000 guys in the past year alone'

From ABC News:
Michael Douglas Connects Kids
Creates new species

From ABC News:
Kraft May Cut 8,000 Jobs in Bid to Boost Sales
Mr. Peanut, Li'l Oscar, Cream of Wheat Guy seek new jobs

From ABC News:
Preparing for Collision, Scientists Warn of Asteroid
Seek funding for really large seat belt

From ABC News:
Univ. of Illinois to Retire Native American Mascot
Don't want to embarrass tribe by having them represent strength and courage

From ABC News:
Man Returns From Visit, Trips on Corpse
Wasn't where he left it

From CNN/SI:
Bonds arrives at camp: Let them investigate me
Drugs should be out of system by now

1 comment:

  1. Wednesday...

    basil's blog: Headline News Grouchy Old Cripple: Political Cartoons 8 Guns'n'butter: World shocked at Geffen claim of Clinton lies Right Jokester: Here They Come, They're Maneaters The Random Yak: Mother Language Semi-Open Trackbacks: If you have ...


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