Thursday, February 22, 2007

Blogrolling 2007-02-22

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. The Co-Knucklehead of the Day award Part One...

    Today's first winner is Fredrick Holyfield....

  2. United Nations: Readies Rare Rebuke for Tehran...

    The deadline has come and gone. Iran has not complied with resolution 1737 adopted by the UN Security Council on 23 december 2006....

  3. [...] Website, A Blog For All, Adam’s Blog, Big Dog’s Weblog, Maggie’s Notebook, basil’s blog, Shadowscope, Common Folk Using Common Sense, Stuck On Stupid, The Amboy Times, Cao’s Blog, [...]

  4. Fuzzy Zoeller Wikipedia lawsuit...

    The 1979 Masters and 1984 US Open Champ filed suit in Miami last week.

    Pro golfer Fuzzy Zoeller is teed off over what he calls defamatory statements about him on Wikipedia....

  5. Connecticut Prison for Kids Teams Up With Fake Justice System...

    …an excerpt from an article in the current issue of Windows Secrets Newsletter about the substitute teacher who’s been railroaded as a result of school district incompetence…


  6. The Co-Knucklehead of the Day Part Two...

    Our second winner is Geoffrey W. Kinne, owner of McIntosh Manor Assisted Living Facility....

  7. Stop Al Gore...

    Re-reject Kyoto.

    Read and sign the petition today at Patriot Petitions....

  8. Global Warming: Save The Polar Bears (?)...

    Those polar bears are in massive danger, right?
    ( - Polar bears have become an "icon" of the global warming movement, but the fate of the creatures and the role played by climate change remains the subject of dispute among scienti...

  9. [...] to Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Perri Nelson’s Website, basil’s blog, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven [...]

  10. [...] him that he is black, or more of his distaff professors would want him hung out to dry. Hat tip, Basil. While Mr. Barber is right that the status quo ante wasn’t all that hot either, at least I do [...]

  11. You Cannot Stay Unmoved...

    In the midst of all the political mud-slinging especially on the topic of the war, are we forgetting the impact on individual lives? We cannot let our troops become nothing more than pawns in a game of politics....

  12. I just knew there was a reason for a spike in my traffic. Thanks for feeding the fish.....

  13. Thomas Sowell on Public Golf and Poverty...

    Thomas Sowell gets pithy on "Priceless Politics". Writing about the plight of San Francisco's municipal golf courses, Sowell asks the rhetorical questions we all ask about our city governments, and provides the obvious common-sense answers; obvious,...

  14. Florida the rules are different here Chapter 84...

    City managers are usually in the news mostly when they are fired or hired. In Largo Florida, the city manager has announced he will be having a sex change operation....

  15. Getting to the Kernel of the Problem...

    A friend and blogging ally recently mentioned the frustration (known to all popcorn lovers) of The Kernel Piece That Sticks In Your Gums And Will Not Leave.
    As a long-time eater of popcorn, this has always been something of a sticking point with me, an...

  16. [...] Perri Nelson’s Website, A Blog For All, Big Dog’s Weblog, Maggie’s Notebook, basil’s blog, Shadowscope, Stuck On Stupid, Cao’s Blog, The Bullwinkle Blog, Conservative Cat, [...]

  17. New York’s a buzzin t’day!...

    A student Republican club at New York University has planned a ‘Find the Illegal Immigrant’ game for Thursday that has some on campus calling the event “racist.”


  18. [...] to Blue Star Chronicles, Random Dreamer, Perri Nelson’s Website, Maggie’s Notebook, and basil’s blog, thanks to Linkfest Haven [...]

  19. 23...

    Tomorrow the movie The Number 23 opens. In honor of that here are 13 things 23:...

  20. [...] Voices, Right Pundits, Random Dreamer, A Blog For All, Maggie’s Notebook, Adam’s Blog, basil’s blog, The Bullwinkle Blog, Cao’s Blog, Conservative Cat, Conservative Thoughts, Allie Is Wired, [...]

  21. [...] Perri Nelson’s Website, Allie Is Wired, A Blog For All, stikNstein… has no mercy, basil’s blog, Shadowscope, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, High Desert Wanderer, Conservative Thoughts, [...]

  22. Open Topic of the Week: Reader's Choice...

    I considered a couple of topic ideas (Windows Vista, The Oscars, Nichole Part II...) but none of 'em really struck me in the gut. SO... I decided to run with another reader's choice to see what youse guys come up...

  23. Pelosi cries like a little girl...

    Heaven forbid one would call a spade a spade...

  24. Do Consequences Matter?...

    I was over at A Few Shiny Pebbles, reading this article about the War on Terror. In it, Bruce's friend Minta quotes Teddy Roosevelt about the need for courage and sacrifice in the face of evil. The implication is pretty......

  25. American senior citizens kick some ass...

    Nothing like thinking you have an easy mark, with a tour bus of senior citizen tourists...

  26. Stop Al Gore and Reject the UN’s Global Warming Treaty...

    Al Gore is re-energizing the movement advocating Kyoto compliance — the biggest UN power-grab in history.
    I urge you to sign this petition now, please. We already have over 30,000 electronic signatures. We want to deliver 100,000 signatures to th...


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