- Chrys (Pettifog) shares thoughts on Washington's Birthday.
- Macker isn't happy ... and isn't surprised ... by the NY Senate seat contingency plan.
- Lyn (Thought Renewal) found a book he liked.
- aTypical Joe says kiddie porn laws sometimes go too far.
- Frank J. says being right doesn't always make comedy right.
- SarahK (Mountaineer Musings) enjoyed Sunshine on a cold day.
- New blog at ItsAPundit.com:
- I sure wish I knew what this and other posts at tukiyo oimikado's blogging from japan were all about. Anyone speak Japanese?
If you'd like to share an item via TrackBack, please feel free to do so.
Former NBA player reveals he’s gay….Other former NBA player reveals he’s stupid...
ReplyDeleteOMG……A stupid Homophobe…….say it aint so.
When asked, CNN Anchor Wolf Blitzer defended the coverage probably saying:
“It’s important to Americans that we have at least one story in ever...
Open Trackback Monday: Presidents Day...
ReplyDeleteToday is Presidents' Day. "I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man. ~George Washington...
Britt Hume Takes on Murtha; doesn't know "what the heck is going on in the world"...
ReplyDeleteIan has the video of Hume discussing Jack Murtha.
HUME: That sound bite from John Murtha suggests that it's time a few things be said about him. Even the "Washington Post" noted he didn't seem particularly well informed about wh...
King Abddullah: Humaneness and Desert Values...
ReplyDeleteI thought I was reading the New York Times, but instead it was Arab News. What follows are reports of a Festival held in Saudi Arabia this past week. The words from this Islamic "festival" are reminiscent of American Liberals' rhetoric of anything a...
Illegal Alien:...
ReplyDeleteBorder agent's conviction overturned when Uncle Sam's bribery comes to light!...
New Jersey: Civil Unions Begin at Midnight...
ReplyDeleteAnother state is now providing civil unions. This is a direct result of judical activism in October 2006 by New Jersey Supreme Court....
White Feather Republicans...
ReplyDeleteVictory Caucus has them labelled as “White Flag Republicans”. I would like to call them “White Feather Republicans” after the book and movie “The Four Feathers”.
The single White feather as a symbol of cowardice &...
I went bald too, so leave Britney alone...
ReplyDeleteSo when I first heard that Britney had shaved it all off I said that I already saw her without panties on and that was old news. "No, you idiot," my wife says, "she shaved the top of her head!" Oh.
Well, I can understand that. In 1984 I discovered...
Climbing Mountains Is A Stupid Thing During The Most Dangerous Times Of The Year...
ReplyDeleteOn today's news it was reported that more climbers are in trouble on Mount Hood in the state of Washington. This comes only months after several climbers died while awaiting rescue on the mountain. Why climb Mt. Hood? Especially in winter which is...
The 1/2 Hour News Hour...
ReplyDelete"President" Rush Limbaugh
Tonight at 10pm EST marks the debut of Fox News' new comedy/satire show The 1/2 Hour News Hour. With most all comedy shows on television being controlled by people with a marked liberal bent, it will be interesting how F...
In Honor Of President's Day...
ReplyDeleteIn honor of President's Day, Butch over at 123beta shares a poignant story about President Bush. Enjoy.
A big ol' Florida welcome to readers from 123beta, Random Dreamer, Dragonlady's World, Faultline USA, The Bullwinkle Blog, Basil's Blog, ...
An Open Letter To Nancy Pelosi And Harry Reid From Charlie Daniels...
ReplyDeleteI read the open letter Charlie Daniels wrote to Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid concerning their actions (or rather inactions) regarding the Iraq war and the ongoing troop surge. I applaud Mr. Daniels for the letter and ask the very same things he does. ...
[...] Where the News Always Bumps!, Random Dreamer, Perri Nelson's Website, Mark My Words, 123beta, basil's blog, DragonLady's World, The Bullwinkle Blog, Conservative Thoughts, Allie Is Wired, third world [...]
ReplyDeleteThe Tiny Percentage of Radical Islamists...
ReplyDeleteI’ve posted before on the fact that out of a billion or so Muslims, only a tiny percentage are terrorists or terror-supporters.
June 19, 2006: “The problem is that even though only a small percentage of people who declare themselves Musli...
Good News About the Surge...
ReplyDeleteThe official line on Iraq is that the terrorists are worried about the oncoming troop surge. So far, the coalition forces are concentrating on Sunni insurgents; Even so, Shi'ite strong man Muqtada al-Sadr has taken the precaution of going into......
From the TWC Archives...
CAIR Exposed...
ReplyDeleteHat tip, Jihad Watch Visit Anti-CAIR Trackposted to Bumpshack: Where the News Always Bumps!, Random Dreamer, Perri Nelson's Website, Mark My Words, 123beta, basil's blog, DragonLady's World, The Bullwinkle Blog, Conservative Cat, Conservative Though...
In Honor of a “Spunky Old Broad”...
ReplyDeleteFebruary 19 is official “Spunky Old Broads” day. (We will disregard and deliberately ignore any irony or implications associated with the fact that it is also Presidents’ Day.)
In light of this, I’d like to take the opportunit...
It Really Sticks in Their Craws, Doesn't It?...
ReplyDeleteReporters, that is. Having to report that the spate of recent murders on the Arizona border are suspected to have been perpetrated by illegal aliens against illegal aliens....
The Hunger for Leadership...
ReplyDeleteAs America celebrates, Washington's birthday, polls find Americans increasingly unsatisfied with the Presidential candidates promoted by the mainstream press. According to a Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll, 49% of Americans and 53% of Republicans aren....
Mike Awesome (1965-2007) - R.I.P....
ReplyDeleteMike AwesomeJanuary 24, 1965 - February 17, 2007)
I just read the news that professional wrestler Mike Awesome (real name: Mike Alfonso) has died at the age of 42. According to reports, he was found last Saturday (Feb. 17) hanging in his Tampa, Flor...
Truth and Hope Report: Bashing the Presidents...
ReplyDeleteOn today's edition of the Truth and Hope Report, we ask why politicians see the need to demean former Presidents in order to make themselves better. Also, I read "Washington's Glasses" in honor of our commemoration of Washington's birthday:
[...] to Blue Star Chronicles, Perri Nelson’s Website, Faultline USA, High Desert Wanderer, and basil’s blog, thanks to Linkfest Haven [...]
ReplyDeleteAre We Safer?...
ReplyDeleteBy Minta Marie Morze (Slightly different version to that originally written September 28, 2004 and sent to friends) President George W. Bush has said that the world is safer now because of his actions in Afghanistan and Iraq. Some people......
The real danger our country faces...
ReplyDeleteOr, how to destroy a good point by extremely over the top rhetoric...
Oh no!!!...
ReplyDeleteI got tagged!...
BlowOUT show schedule for this week and next...
ReplyDeleteJohn Gonzalez
BlowOUT-With John Gonzalez & taking your phone calls
Feb 22, 10:00AM EST
BlowOut with Constantino Diaz-Duran - Free Kareem Jailed Egytian Blogger
Feb 28, 11:00AM EST
Mark your...
One of the worst?...
ReplyDeleteMcCain is apparently polishing up his MSM "maverick" credentials...
[...] Always Bumps!, Random Dreamer, A Blog For All, 123beta, Adam’s Blog, Maggie’s Notebook, basil’s blog, Phastidio.net, The Bullwinkle Blog, Cao’s Blog, Jo’s Cafe, Conservative Cat, [...]
ReplyDelete[...] Where the News Always Bumps!, Random Dreamer, Perri Nelson’s Website, Mark My Words, 123beta, basil’s blog, DragonLady’s World, The Bullwinkle Blog, The Amboy Times, Conservative Cat, Conservative [...]