Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Blogrolling 2007-02-27

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Venezuela President Hugo Chavez....

  2. Mexico angry over US ‘trespass’ may contact Johnny Sutton...

    Mexico’s Congress has condemned what it says is a border violation by US workers building a controversial barrier between the two countries.
    ” This violation of Mexican soverignty cannot be tolerated, a Mexican Congressman was quoted.
    This ...

  3. Two picks for the Baseball Hall of Fame...

    The composite ballot has some good choices in Kuhn, Herzog, White, Williams and Wrigley. It also has Bravasi and gag...gag...Gabe Paul. Should I start re-telling 1970's and 80's Cleveland Indian jokes?...

  4. [...] Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, Perri Nelson’s Website, Adam’s Blog, Basil’s Blog, DragonLady’s World, The Amboy Times, Conservative Cat, Jo’s Cafe, Pursuing Holiness, [...]

  5. [...] Perri Nelson’s Website, The Amboy Times, High Desert Wanderer, Adam’s Blog, and basil’s blog, thanks to Linkfest Haven [...]

  6. English Only? Duh!...

    Regular readers of Dumb Ox Daily News know that one of the MAIN planks in our program for regularizing immigration is to END SUBSIDIES of illegal behavior and of incentives to NOT ASSIMILATE into the mainstream of American and Anglo-Saxon culture and.....

  7. Once again, an appeal to illiterates...

    …Oh, watch the thing if you want. The poor guy, Simcha Jacobovici, hasn’t been able to sell many copies of his tinfoil hatted book, The Jesus Family Tomb, and even con men have to make a living somehow, right?


  8. [...] county, Dumb Ox Daily News, Adam’s Blog, Jo’s Cafe, stikNstein… has no mercy, and basil’s blog, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe. . February 20, [...]

  9. Boston: U.S. court upholds same-sex teaching to ch...

    This is outrageous!... A federal judge in Boston has dismissed a suit by two families who wanted to stop a Massachusetts town and its public school system from teaching their children about gay marriage, court documents show...

  10. [...] do not generally have “a cause”, though they are scum nonetheless. Hat tip, Basil. Sometimes I prefer dogs to people, until I realize that I get mad because the people I am focusing [...]

  11. Short lived blogs - and other stuff...

    As I was browsing through random blogs on Blogshares today, I noticed a pattern. A lot of the "dead" blogs either have only one or two posts before they're abandoned, usually a "hello world this is my blog" post and an occasional followup. A lot o...

  12. Nerf Herder -- Mr. Spock...

    I can't remember where I first saw this video but it definitely made am impression on me. Since I am an admitted Trekkie from the days of the original series (I'm dating myself but I was a wee rug rat when it originally aired in the 60's -- I really...

  13. The Younglings -- (I Don't Wanna Be No) Nerf Herder...

    Okay, so there' TWO videos of the day. So there! I had a list of videos on YouTube with "Nerf Herder" (I was looking for the band of that name) and this video by The Younglings came up. It's hip-hop in the Star Wars universe. 'Nuff said.

    A very...

  14. Appeal for Courage...

    A comment left on my 24 Jan post Soldier's Redress: The Pigeon's Response: Justin writes: Luckily for the 90% of us in the active duty force who support the current effort in Iraq, and believe in the importance of continuing...

  15. Highly explosive...

    This news is a certain sign that the apocalypse is soon coming.

    February 25, 2007 -- The prestigious Council on Foreign Relations is about to get a jolt of sex appeal....

  16. The PGA Tour will return to Washington DC...

    I'm betting Tiger doesn't play because of Elin's pregnancy....

  17. 02/27/07: Humor...

    There are two types of humor-- liberal humor, which is about how silly they are, and conservative humor, which is about how silly we are. What matters is not the politics of the joke, but the underlying assumption of the......

  18. [...] Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, Perri Nelson’s Website, The Random Yak, Adam’s Blog, basil’s blog, DragonLady’s World, Common Folk Using Common Sense, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, [...]

  19. Taliban Attack on Cheney Failed: Left Saddened...

    The left wing of the blogosphere has shown it's true face after news that Vice President Dick Cheney survived a terrorist attack carried out by the Taliban while visiting Afghanistan. A suicide bomber attacked the entrance to the main U.S....

  20. This reminds me of a quote...

    Much ado and yadda ya about James Cameron claiming to have found the tomb of Jesus, his wife and son, lately....

  21. [...] Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, Perri Nelson’s Website, The Random Yak, Adam’s Blog, basil’s blog, DragonLady’s World, Common Folk Using Common Sense, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, [...]

  22. Has CAIR had Anything Else to Say About 24?...

    The problem that CAIR had is that Muslims were portrayed as real life because this is how they act. They want to attack us and take this country over. They would love nothing more than to detonate a nuclear device here and they would love to kill as ...

  23. Iran training Iraqis: US Intel Chief...

    U.S. Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee that it is "probable" Ayatollah Ali Khamenei knew of Iranian weapons supplied to Iraqi Shi'ites and that Iraqis are being trained outside of I...

  24. TUES FEB 27 JUST BREAKING!!!!! Jim Gilchrist Removed As Leader of Minutemen...

    Jim Gilchrist, Minuteman founder
    has been removed as leader of the organization
    by order of Barbara Coe and others
    You ......

  25. Au de Stink...

    When my younger son's girlfriend came to live under my roof, I had to instruct her on the proper way to apply perfume: "Go into the bathroom so not to stink up the rest of the house..."...

  26. Winning The War On Poverty...

    A year ago, Hans Rosling gave a speech for the TED (technology, entertainment, design) conference. This is an awesome video that really inspires hope while busting some of the myths about third-world poverty.

    Trackposted to Outside...


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