- Ah, just a tornado watch now. For the next two hours. Gotta love this weather. #
- Drudge: "Obama the new Gorbachev?" http://tinyurl.com/dyzx8l Does this mean the country disappears in five years? #
- FT: "Men bear brunt of US jobs lost" http://tinyurl.com/cexdj3 We men need a bailout. I accept cash #
- CNN: "Madonna falls from horse" http://m.cnn.com/cnn/ne/ent/detail/287531 Why does Catherine the Great come to mind? #
- Morning and the house is still here. #
- Venezuelan equine suicide squad strikes http://tinyurl.com/cycqcu #
- Thought police at the Miss USA pageant: http://tinyurl.com/crry4m #
- CIA used waterboarding on Khalid Shaikh Mohammed 183 times. Imagine if they had done it BEFORE 9/11 (http://tinyurl.com/dnkceb) #
- NY Gov. Takes Heat For Wheelchair Skit... http://tinyurl.com/dzzg8k Says he didn't see anything wrong with it (rimshot) #
- Fat people cause global warming: http://tinyurl.com/dy33gp So, does the left blame Michael Moore? #
Follow me at http://twitter.com/basilsblog.
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