- It's Malaria Day, not Swine Flew Day. Get it right, Mexico! #
- If you can't use a fly swatter, you probably can't use a mosquito net. #
- Yes, I screwed up the Swine Flu joke. I'm a dumbass. #
- If I'm going 20 mph over the speed limit, and the new road is 10 mph over the current, do I speed up or slow down? #
- Tofu Village? Let's not stop there. #
- Going 75 MPH on I-75 and passed by some monkey-fighter like I was sitting still. #
- Neither one of us brought cash for the trip. Now to find a bank. #
- We just got passed by Pee-Wee Herman's motorcycle. #
- Yay! We're at the hotel. And have a wonderful view of ... the air conditioning unit! #
- My favorite t-shirt of the day: Meat Is Murder. Tasty, Tasty Murder http://tinyurl.com/cv6enl #
- Sitting in the stands, under the umbrella. No rain; I just burn easy. #
- AT&T Park designed by Grace Bros. The escalator takes you to the stairs. #
- Did the PA announcer just advertise ServPro for crime scene cleanup? #
- Many others are now using their giveaway umbrella to keep the sun off. Wife says I'm not the only girly-man at the ballpark. #
- Player we were hoping to see play for Chattanooga tonight (#25-Lucas May,C) isn't playing. #
- A full 1/4 of crowd did Obama salute to National Anthem (http://tinyurl.com/obamasalute hands clasped on lap). Deeper into the abyss we go. #
- Seeing how some of the girls are dressed at the ballgame in Chattanooga. Hope my daughter doesn't dress that way. Except at Hallowe'en. #
- Hillary says attacks won't derail stability. http://tinyurl.com/ddq7ks Because Bush isn't president I suppose. #
- Tweeting about Hillary during a baseball game? Yes, the team I'm pulling for is losing. #
- Baseball team lost. Supper gave me gas. And Obama is still in office. Life sucks. #
- Obama greeted by man who died of flu http://tinyurl.com/obamaflu #TCOT #
- Why we had to take an alternate route this morning: 6-million gal of water on road http://preview.tinyurl.com/cgah2ofail #
- Ever notice that those that say we have a "living Constitution" are brain dead? #tcot #
Follow me at http://twitter.com/basilsblog.
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