Saturday, July 19, 2008

Headline News

Real headlines from real news site with not-so-real subheads

From Fox News:

Woman Has Surgery on Giant 110-Pound Legs

Hillary expects full recovery

From Fox News:

Scientist: Pregnancy at 100 Possible in 30 Years

Still finds 70-year-old girlfriend 'hot'

From CNN:

Jimi Hendrix featured in 'Guitar Hero'

Game spinoff, 'Died-In-Own-Vomit Hero' expected in stores by Christmas

From CNN:

SciTechBlog: A "Green Pope"

Bishop of Mars leading candidate to replace pontiff

From ABC News:

Do Dems Have a Better Sense of Humor?

Obama candidacy revealed to be elaborate joke

From AJC:

Soccer players subdue nude man on plane

Team sprang into action once balls were in play

From LA Times:

Verne Troyer drops lawsuit over sex tape

So much fuss over such a little thing

From NY Times:

Obama Fund-Raiser Excludes a Senator-Turned-Lobbyist

Terrorists still welcome, supporters assured

From Reuters:

Ed McMahon sues hospital over injury

Summons notifies administrator, 'You may already be a plaintiff'

From Reuters:

Man claims Subway baked knife into sandwich

New 'Jailbreak Sub' flops


  1. I thought Headline News had gone by the wayside, in lieu of all the Catfish postings. Glad to see them back. I love the Verne Troyer crack me up!

  2. Man, how long has it been since we saw one of these? The last one I could find was April 2007. That cannot be right.

    Go Catfish!


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