- Who can be hurt by Palin's recent decision? Palin. Who will be hurt by Obama's actions? Everyone. Why the focus on Palin? #tcot #
- Secret to How Dinosaurs Got So Big Is Revealed http://tr.im/rxi6 65-million year old box of Wheaties discovered #
- Doctor: Michael Jackson Was an Addict http://tr.im/rxma That makes his fans addict addicts. Which explains a lot. #
- TiVo says it recorded Robot Chicken. When I play it, it's Squidbillies. Does TiVo hate me? Or Adult Swim programming department? #
- Now TiVo recorded Metalocalypse instead of ATHF. I think I'm paying a visit to Williams Street. #
- State Suit Challenges U.S. Defense of Marriage Act http://tr.im/rxr4 Suddenly, liberals agree with the 10th Amendment? #tcot #
- Atlanta traffic rated 3rd worst in nation, behind LA, DC http://tr.im/rxuH So why would I rather drive in Atlanta than Chicago? The drivers. #
- Who knows where the bodies are buried in Chicago? No one knows any more: http://tr.im/rxwL #
- Amazon cuts Kindle price http://tr.im/rxyo BK cuts cheeseburger prices http://tr.im/rxyF Strangest price war ever #
- No flyover for Christian festival http://tr.im/rxA9 Maybe if they were told it was for an Obama photo-op #tcot #
- FLOTUS carries $6000 purse http://tr.im/rxBc Apparently the economy is doing very well #tcot #
- Ohio family attacked because they are White http:/tr.im/ryw7 Hating Whites isn't a crime #tcot #
- Congress needs to learn: All throwing money at a problem does is make for an expensive problem. #tcot #
- 5-year-old man have witnessed parents' murder-suicide http://tr.im/rB8F #
- 5-year-old may have witnessed parents' murder-suicide http://tr.im/rB8F #
- More spelling errors plague Obama releases http://tr.im/rDWm Spelling skills no better than math skills #tcot #
- Yippie-ki-yay, you bad, bad person! #1stdraftmovielines #
- Frankly, my dear, I haven't though about it #1stdraftmovielines #
- I'm gonna make him an offer he'll probably agree to #1stdraftmovielines #
- Toto, I've got a feeling we're not where I'm used to being #1stdraftmovielines #
- All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for you to bring the camera in all the way so my face takes up the screen #1stdraftmovielines #
- "Synthetic or semisynthetic organic amorphous solid materials suitable for the manufacture of industrial products" #1stdraftmovielines #
- "I'll get you, my pretty, plus that canine you have" #1stdraftmovielines #
- "Hello, Adrian" #1stdraftmovielines #
- "Shane. Shane. Please return!" #1stdraftmovielines #
- "We'll always have that city in France." #1stdraftmovielines #
- "Round up the usual people we round up." #1stdraftmovielines #
- "Love means never having to say 'oops, my bad.'" #1stdraftmovielines #
- "I really don't think you want to hear the truth" #1stdraftmovielines #
- What we've got here is ... trouble understanding each other #1stdraftmovielines #
- Yes, it was the airplanes killed the beast #1stdraftmovielines #
- "Mom, Dad, Sis, and I really appreciate this." #1stdraftmovielines #
- "What a really awful-looking place." #1stdraftmovielines #
- "A boy's best friend is his psychotic personality." #1stdraftmovielines #
- "You're dead, and that's why I see you." #1stdraftmovielines #
- "I am traveling by foot across this intersection!" #1stdraftmovielines #
- "You know how to whistle, don't you? You just put your lips together and expel air at a high rate of speed." #1stdraftmovielines #
- The way ya lollygaggin' around here with them picks and them shovels, you'd think it was a 120 degree. And it might be. #1stdraftmovielines #
- "Forget it, Jake, it's the Hamptons." #1stdraftmovielines #
- "Secure your restraints, we may encounter some uneven circumstances this evening" #1stdraftmovielines #
- Trying to watch Warehouse 13. I hope it's better than the SciFi Channel's new name #
- TiVo has (in Suggestions) a History Channel show on Gamma Ray Bursts, and how they can destroy the Earth. I'll sleep comfy tonight. #
- 1939: Wizard of Oz, Gone with the Wind, Stagecoach, Mr. Smith goes to Washington; 2009: Transformers 2, Paul Blart: Mall Cop #
- When the legend becomes fact, print the talking points #1stdraftmovielines #
- Squeal like a kitten #1stdraftmovielines #
- Why don't ya come up some time and we'll have a nice little visit #1stdraftmovielines #
- My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare for me to express my extreme displeasure. #1stdraftmovielines #
- You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. #1stdraftmovielines They actually got that line right first time. #
- NOT TO FORTY-NINE! #1stdraftmovielines #
Follow me at http://twitter.com/basilsblog.
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