- Is it ABBA week in the news? SOS http://tr.im/tCxJ Waterloo http://tr.im/tCz7 The Name of the Game http://tr.im/tCB4 #
- Obama's new theme song? http://tr.im/tCPe (tip: AoSHQ http://tr.im/tCPu ) #
- Associated Press calls "BS" on Obama's http://tr.im/tEHF #tcot #
- Graves to be moved from old cemetery http://tr.im/tENw Final resting place doesn't mean final any more #
- Scientists: Humans Naturally Glow in the Dark http://tr.im/tER7 However, not all humans are bright #
- After comparing Obama's statements against the truth, his pants should be declared a fire hazard. #tcot #
- If the intent is to teach me to not take vacation days, I'm starting to take the hint. #
- Why don't they salt the grits at IHOP? If people were concerned about sodium intake or other healthj concerns, they wouldn't eat at IHOP. #
- Grits are now "gritz" ... and nobody told me! I'm so embarrassed! http://sml.vg/c5LNWt #
- I wonder if we can get Barbara Boxer to quote Bill Cosby at Obama http://tinyurl.com/nr6dq6 #tcot #
- Instead of fixing the teleprompter, the current plan is to put a pull-string in Obama's back. #tcot #
- Why haven't I heard more about the Black youths who beat up the White family in Ohio? Is the media racially profiling stories? #tcot #
- It's not profiling to pull over a young man who wears his cap sideways; it's illegal in 47 states to impersonate Charlie Brown. #tcot #
- Hey! What happened to all the nekkid girls that was following me on the Twitter? #
Follow me at http://twitter.com/basilsblog.
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