Sunday, February 5, 2006

Picnic 2006-02-05

Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.


  1. A Little Closer Look...

    Hey! That's not the look of the distraught... or the angry...
    (Take a little closer look: here.)...

  2. Superbowl Sunday *yawn*...

    Yeh, yeh, I know: it's the biggest day of the year for some folks. It's a great party day for others. And very likely most folks with a TV here in the U.S. will at least catch parts of the Superbowl... But I'm not likely to....

  3. War On Christmas Veterans For Truth On The Danish...

    Are we a Christian society that must punish infidels who dare say "Season's Greetings"? Or are we this laid-back secular society in which everyone should lighten up when a Danish cartoonist blasphemes an entire religion....

  4. Why the Navy Kicks Butt...

    From Centcom:

    U.S. Navy Captures Suspected Pirates Off Somali Coast

    MANAMA, Bahrain – At approximately 3 p.m. local time today, Jan. 21, the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet captured a group of suspected pirates in the Indian Ocean, approximately 54 m....

  5. Cartoon Chaos Continues...

    It could have ended there but the Islamic Society in Denmark decided to stir things up and organized a tour of the Middle East to bring awareness of the cartoons to the Muslim street. Since the original twelve were not offensive enough they added three...

  6. Congratulations on your "Best So Far" Top LinkFest Blog, January 2006 presented by Bloggin' Outloud. Keep up the great work. Lyn

  7. Newer and Better Inline Trackbacks...

    Thanks to 7 Deadly Sins and Basil at the Alliance.

  8. Recruiting duty... To be or not to be......

    The icing on the cake? Well, if you've been reading JACK ARMY for this past year, you've probably figured out that something drastic happened that caused USAREC to cut me loose from the fold. Not only was I cut loose, but I was degraded yet again...

  9. [...] to Don Surber, Jo’s Cafe, Basil’s Blog, Freedom Watch USA, Common Folks Using Common [...]


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