Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Picnic 2006-02-08

Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.


  1. King Eulogists Can't Behave at Funeral...

    One would have thought that the liberals had learned something from their crass display of naked politics at the memorial to Sen. Wellstone, but that would require that they had a sense of shame....

  2. Vanity Fair CNBC Clip. Caution: Not Wise To View At Work Or With Children...

    Vanity FairCharmaine appeared on CNBC (attempting) to debate the cover of Vanity Fair. Is it art? Or money-making-porn? CNBCCNBC's On The Money Click here for the CNBC Vanity Fair video. This is a long 6 minute segment. ### Was......

  3. Anger: Of course...

    Why would I be brining this up almost a week later?

    It seems the Mayor of New Bedford, Scott Lang, is a fan of Censorship and is using this crime as a call for videogame grabbing. ...

  4. Don't Reward Illegal Aliens -- REWARD Them...

    It apparently is open season on illegal immigrants at the Arizona Legislature.

    About a dozen bills are being considered this year that clearly are aimed at making their lives as miserable as possible....

  5. Hey! It's all the White Trashers. Bunch of damn rednecks.

  6. Malkin Bites Into Fake Iranians-Rename-The-Danish...

    Malkin Punk'd?
    Michelle Malkin reported Iranians now are calling Danishes "Mohammedan pastry" and cites an AKI (Italian news service) story.
    I laughed so hard, I snorted a Freedom Fry through my nose. Surely she did not fall for such a transparent...

  7. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Army Chief of Staff Peter Shoomaker....

  8. Carnival of Blue Stars...

    The 1st Edition of the Carnival of Blue Stars. Enter your post and join the Carnival!...

  9. Somebody Screwed The Pooch On This One...

    Errors happen, especially when you are dealing with a bureaucracy. That is understood. Some errors, though, should be very easy to correct when they happen. This one, unfortunately, should have been but was not. That is inexcusable. West Virginia's tw...

  10. NY Times: You Don't Need To See Cartoons That Offend Muslims...

    Here – look at this picture of the Virgin Mary made from porno shots and surrounded by elephant shit instead. Is this really the same newspaper that made this statement only one day ago? The New York Times and much......

  11. The Dane's Unique Moral Courage...

    There does seem to have been something unique in the spirit of this brave little country, in which King Christian could ride around the streets, guarded only by the love of his subjects, and in which there has never been a ghetto thanks to Denmark bein...

  12. Two Dogs:
    I wondered if anyone would catch on to that.

  13. And I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.


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