Friday, February 10, 2006

Picnic 2006-02-10

Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.


  1. Accursed Muslim and Western Moderates!...

    Muslim moderates are simply Islamists who covertly wish to impose more dhimmtude — and they are enabled by Western moderates, one of the least valuable human resources we have (perhaps only the liberal annointed elite and moonbats are more worth...

  2. [...] Hat tip to: Dorene G. Hojnicki,D.O. ,Carol J, Foster, E.A,, Linked to; BlogginOutloud *imagineKitty* Basil’sBlog Jo’s Cafe ACLU, America, anti American, Semi Political, Support Our Troops, VeteransACLU America anti American Semi Political Support Our Troops Veterans [...]

  3. Blog Of The Month: Heads Bunker / Weekend Open Trackback Post...

    I was noodling around the intraweb a couple of days ago and came across a fantastic post at Heads Bunker where Head (The blogs Author) compares the AK47, AR type, and Mosin Nagant rifles.
    Having recently purchased an inexpensive wannabe AR type wea...

  4. [...] for open dialogue with all due respect at Basil’s Blog and Conservative Cat.   [Permalink]&nbsp[Trackback] [...]

  5. Deltona, FL Censors...

    Florida city has barred three paintings from a city hall display celebrating Black History Month because they contain small references to the Christian faith....

  6. TGIF- Interesting Articles and Open Trackbacks...

    It's Friday in the blogosphere and that can only mean one thing for Everyman Chronicles: the return of TGIF open trackbacks! So the value of open trackbacks has diminished because NZ isn't keeping up with them for ecosystem rankings. So......

  7. Homecoming for the Master Gunny...

    A picture to make your hearts smile…

    Welcome home, Marine!

    This picture is of reader Larry, who just got back from his tour in Al Asad, Iraq, and his beloved little princess, reuniting at last.
    Welcome home and THANK YOU, Master Gunny!


  8. Daily Illini Prints Cartoons...

    Bravo to the official student publication of the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana for standing up for press freedom around the world. The University of Illinois student newspaper Thursday published six caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad that...

  9. ... you know.... sometimes my life is just so damn interesting I think I'll just bust....

  10. Whos in (remote) Control?...

    And as quick as a toad catches a fly, the channels were flying past us. The poor thang, he was channel changing deprived. I had to give him credit for his control and tolerance. If you only knew how much progress that short exchange represents! I'm ve...

  11. It's Michelle Malkin's Fault!...

    As I was perusing the blog world last night, I ran across an uber-liberal, sorry, I mean progressive blog that explained the current cartoon carnage is actually Michelle Malkin's doing. Who would have thought that!

  12. Thanks for the link, Basil! Much appreciated :-)


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