Friday, December 31, 2004

Son of More Headline News

From CNN:
Anna Nicole Smith loses $88.5 million ruling
Status lowered from golddigger to cheap whore

From AJC:
Perdue's prudence or pork?
Is Governor's loveless marriage one of convenience or just raw sex?

From CNN International:
Russia to scrap communist holiday
Lining Up For Toilet Paper Day not as popular as it once was

From BBC:
British-born astronaut given CBE
Alphabet collection nearly complete

From BBC:
Cassini targets 'two-faced' moon
Moon was nice to Cassini one day, talking behind its back the next

From The New York Times:
Mercury Tries Online Campaign to Create a Cooler Image
Planet launches new Web site

From The Washington Post:
Capital One Ads Misled Customers, Suit Charges
Couple got card just to avoid Viking attacks

From The Washington Post:
Internet Sparks Outpouring of Instant Donations
Some donations actually go to help victims, not just to site's personal PayPal account

From The Washington Post:
A Resolution You Can Keep
Get drunk and puke on the couch

From WCPO:
51 Cincinnati Police Will Help With Bush's Inauguration
GOP Beat-Down Squad readied

From The Korea Times:
Prominent Historian Sees Bush Softening
Laxative credited

From ABC News:
Women Accused of 'Hot Dog' Prostitution
So, what do you want on your weiner?

From ABC News:
Is Crude Language Part of the Creative Process?
Hell, no!

From ABC News:
Hastert Weighs New Ethics Panel Chief
Rep. Joel Hefley tips scales at 195

From ABC News:
Texas Prosecutors to Drop Sears Charge
Craftsman tools to be returned

From ABC News:
Barry Manilow Signs Las Vegas Contract
To be attacked, eaten by Roy's tiger in New Year's Extravaganza

From CNN:
Silicon chip 'most influential invention'
Just ahead of silicone breast implants

From CNN:
U.S. revises its definition of torture
Seeks new terrorists to try it on

From CNN:
Powell, Jeb Bush lead U.S. delegation to disaster region
President unloads trouble-making cabinet member, family member in one swoop

From Fox News:
Georgia President Joining Ukrainian Celebrations
Waycross residents totally confused by report

Martian marathon reaches one-year mark
Really slow, stupid Martians taking forever


  1. good job, laughed out loud at several of those.

  2. actually, funnier than usual! really liked the one about Jeb, but i'm sure everyone already knows about Anna.


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