Wednesday, February 9, 2005

The Big Sister's Headlines 2/9/05

Sarah Jessica Parker to Launch Fragrance
NASA reaps rewards from privatizing space shuttle funding

Sarah Jessica Parker to Launch Fragrance
Fragrance expected to take Mars by storm

Program keeps avoiding the ax
However, sling blade expected to be downfall

Bush shows highest ratings in a year
Ratings war causes network executives to retool CSI, ER, Desperate Housewives

Bush shows highest ratings in a year
Bush ratings still below sky, clouds, and tree

Pharmacies offer 'behind the counter' service
Long lines expected for condom demonstrations

Hope flowers in Romania
AKA roses (or Love flowers) in US

Costs begin before college
Study proves parents spend money on raising a child to age 18

1 comment:

  1. ROFL! condom demonstations...funny, but you can do better than gutter humor. that's your brother's job.
    but, if you must do it to get a good belly laugh, go ahead and do what you have to do! :)


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