Getting serious for a minute. It was two years ago today that my nephew died. He was 17. Losing him was extra difficult because of our family's good fortune. What I mean is, others have lost younger family members and more family members. We have been extremely fortunate in not experiencing such loss.
In my lifetime, the next youngest close family member I remember losing was in his 60s. I did lose a cousin who was just days old, but I honestly don't remember him. Other than him, immediate or close family (siblings, parents, children, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents) losses have been few and none died at a young age. So, I'm aware that we haven't experienced what so many other families have experienced.
After his injury, his hometown opened their hearts to the family. We were never able to express our appreciation. The down side of that is that people were always calling, and made it difficult for the family members at the hospital to get any rest. So, we decided to put up a Web site. And, after he died, we kept the site running. My contribution was this video collage of pictures. It shows just a little about who he was.
well, for once it wasn't beer ruining my electronic stuff when i read one of your posts. it was tears. my family has also been fortunate in the sense that only the ones that have lived a full life are the ones that have passed away in my lifetime. i hope that it doesn't change. i feel sad for you and your whole family that this boy is not still in your lives making you smile, laugh, and feel proud that you are related to him.
ReplyDeletebut i'm also happy that for 17 years, you were blessed with his presence.
Thanks. We still miss him. It's been difficult, but at his funeral, when the congregation sang the school song, and got to those words I used as the title of this post, they gained a whole new meaning. Good advice I always knew, but never realized.
ReplyDeleteAnd we'll never be able to thank basil enough for his tribute to Andy.
ReplyDeletebig sister (who's 5'4"):
ReplyDeleteyes, you can. thank your brother by being funny on his blog. you have a great sense of humor, please share it with us.
Thanks for the post. It still hurts and I miss him every day, but your post and website and video and blog and...thanks for being basil.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for your family's loss. I have been fortunate not to lose to many family members. I think that website is a great way to keep his spirt alive. :)
ReplyDeleteWe appreciate all the kind words.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
I, too, appreciate the kind words, but most of all the tribute that basil gave to our nephew. Today has been really hard on all of us, and the kind words still make it better.
ReplyDeleteI love all of you (mean sister, big sister, and basil).
As little sister said, today has been very hard for us. Thanks for the tribute and for sharing Andy with others. I miss him very much. Mean sister showed me your blog and as you know I know nothing about blogs but I've enjoyed all the things you have written.
ReplyDeleteThe nephew tribute, above and website, is very moving. Isn't it great what the web can do for bringing families together? And for you Basil, my guess is it was catharsis and something you could give.
ReplyDeleteIt was for me. I spent the weekend building a tribute site to my partners grandmother, it's here. She had the good fortune to have a long full life. She died at 94. The video was shot 6 days before she died.
Thanks for sharing. Those videos will be cherished by the family always.
ReplyDeleteSome of the pictures of Andy were taken the weekend before his (Monday) wreck. They are some of the ones that bring the most tears. And, to some in those pictures, the most joy.