Friday, February 4, 2005

Headline News 2005-02-04

From ABC News
Rice: U.S. Attack on Iran Not on Agenda
Administration likes surprises

From ABC News
Republicans Question Social Security Plan
Social Security Plan refuses to break

From ABC News
Playboy Founder Visits Disney World
Likes his rides better

From ABC News
Keanu Reeves Trained With Exorcist
Alex Winter has not been seen since

From CNN:
Class seeks to rid kids of Appalachian accents
Will teach kids ebonics instead

From CNN:
Doctors charged with selling fake Botox
Fake Botox has side effect of turning skin orange

From CNN:
Astronomers find Saturn 'hot spot'
Nightclub on 6th planet gaining in popularity

From CNN:
Tapes: Enron plotted to shut down power plant
Fortunately, Jack Bauer stopped plot in time

From Click 2 Houston:
Machete Attack Leaves Gash In Victim's Arm
Gunfight leaves bullet holes

From The Denver Channel:
Blind Couple Denied Day Care License
Like they'd have been able to tell

From CNN:
U.S. donates $5 million for Mexican justice
Commonly called a "bribe"

From CNN:
John Vernon, 'Animal House's' Wormer, dies
Allowed Into Heaven, Double-Secret Probation Lifted

From ABC News:
UC Considers Using Barcodes for Cadavers
Price look-ups contine to be a problem

From Arizona Republic:
Bush agenda has purpose
Bush: "I have a special purpose!! And the new phone books are in!"

Iran leader slams Bush
Bush recovers, throws Khamenei over top rope

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