Friday, October 6, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-10-06

Items of interest from the blogroll.

If you'd like to share an item via TrackBack, please feel free to do so, as long as your submission follows the TrackBack policy.


  1. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Malaysia's Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister Rais Yatim....

  2. What else?...

    From today's Sun-Sentinel-

    DAVIE -- Dolphins quarterback Daunte Culpepper missed a portion of Thursday's practice with a sore right shoulder, though the team has listed him as "probable" for Sunday's game against the New England Patriots....

  3. [...] Unrelated: Basil's Blog, Jo's Cafe Posted by Bachman Filed in News [...]

  4. Foleygate (Open) Must-Read List...

    Worst October Surprise, Ever - Patrick Godfrey, The American Thinker; Nothing New Under the Sun - Dean Barnett, Townhall; Democrats' Plan to Out Gay Republicans - Rush Limbaugh,

  5. Happy Autumn...

    So What's Everybody Talking About?

    October 6 - 8, 2006

    Just link and trackback to this post. Nothing to it but to do it....

  6. Faith and Courage of An Amish Girl...

    And then there's their faith. Did Robert's not follow through with his plans to molest them because he saw their faith and courage? Did he ask for their prayers for the same reason?

    In the end, did their murderer see God in those children?...

  7. Weekend Open Trackback - Oct 6 - 8, 2006...

    Weekend open trackback! Leave a trackback of your best post for others to read....

  8. NK: Testing Nukes and the Community...

    I have concern that the World, today, is busy collecting friendships amongst the militant negotiators (while forgetting the militant's terror)...I feel safe though, when I'm reminded that America 2006 is a friend that isn't afraid of having a good m...

  9. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is the Spokane County Sheriff's Department....


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