Thursday, October 26, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-10-26

Items of interest from the blogroll.
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  1. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Wasek Safrah....

  2. Love (is blind) till the money runs out...

    Neal had been AWOL for 43 days when 10 OSI agents appeared suddenly at his apartment.

    Neal said that while in pretrial confinement, he learned his girlfriend "had contacted them" and led them to him....

  3. Time to make whoopee?...

    Some news from South Korea.

    As tends to be the case in disasters and crises, sales of condoms and reservations at motels surged in the wake of North Korea's nuclear test on Oct. 9. One online hotel reservations site reports that everything is ......

  4. The DNC's Handy Pocket Reference Guide to the 2006 Midterm Elections...

    You're a fag.

    Am not.

    Are too....

  5. Orientation...

    I don't know what to think. Go and read the entire column and draw your own conclusions. Crist's sexual orientation will not be the deciding factor in who I vote for on November 7th in the Florida Governor's race....

  6. U.S. Imperialist War Crimes in Iraq...

    View This Video on You Tube
    WARNING: Watch this video at your own risk. It depits some of the worst war crimes imaginable that have been perpetrated upon the innocent in the War on Terror. Worse yet, they are perpetrated by the United States military.

  7. Open Topic of the Week: Foley...

    Remember the part about me not getting too deep into domestic politics because I really CAN'T get involved as a military officer, and because every other blogger and their mothers beat domestic politics to death? Well, now that Rep. Foley...

  8. Stem Cell: More Effective Alternatives...

    Mature cells (embryo friendly) are less tumorigenic, and a more effective greater match in Scientist's quest for disease cure, preventions, & genetic research. Don't believe desperate DEMS or Hollywood (for that matter)...

  9. Principal Wedgie...

    Montana - Recently Park High School principal Eric Messerli was suspended for six days for giving a male student a wedgie......


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