Monday, October 2, 2006

Headline News 2006-10-02

From ABC News:
George Michael Hit With Another Drug Charge
Bush blamed

From ABC News:
Robin Williams Comes Clean
Does it in the shower

From ABC News:
Suspect in Florida Deputy Killing Shot 68 Times
Suicide ruled

From ABC News:
Avril Lavigne Apologizes for Spitting
Promises to swallow

From ABC News:
Google Buys Garage Where Empire Began
Palpatine's family home sold

From ABC News:
Rumsfeld has had bumpy ride as defense chief
Center for the Obvious releases report

From ABC News:
Russia Slaps Georgia With Sanctions
Waycross economy near collapse

From ABC News:
Carrie Underwood Joins Literacy Campaign
Hopes to learn to read soon

From ABC News:
Amish schoolgirls shot execution style
Coolio finally gets revenge on Weird Al

From KSAT:
Mom blames school for snake attack
Students banned from planes

1 comment:

  1. Monday's...

    Basil's Blog: Headline News (Mature Content Warning) ScrappleFace: Bush Fires Rumsfeld, Nominates Bob Woodward It's A Pundit: Tin Foil Hats Semi-Open Trackbacks: If you have something funny to share, link to this post and send a trackback.......


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