Friday, October 20, 2006

Weekend Open Trackbacks 2006-10-21

If you'd like to share an item via TrackBack, please feel free to do so, as long as your submission follows the TrackBack policy. This will be the only Open TrackBack post this weekend, so check back here all weekend long for items others want to share.


  1. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is the Sarasota Herald-Tribune....

  2. Blogging burn out?...

    I have been having a difficult time blogging for the last few days. It has seemed much more of a chore than usual. I don't know if its burn out or just I'm missing my wife. She is still in the Philippines and won't get home till November 4th.

  3. Is Tony Blair starting to wake up?...

    Maybe he is, but words and actions are two entirely different things, and only if a debate actually takes place will any progress be made. From the AP Wire (via Jihad Watch)...

  4. Colombia: Hostage Talks Discontinue...

    Ending the tradition of bargaining with kidnappers, won't be easy for Colombia...Nor will the "tradition" of ill-awful entry at our U.S. borders!
    These and our neighbor's issues have deepened with neglect......

  5. Importance Update Is To Make Computers Being Safe...

    One of the biggest problems on the web is the use of zombie computers to spread spam. A zombie computer contains a malicious program running in the background that sends email without the computer's user knowledge. Spammers use zombie computers......

  6. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is the Broward County Sheriff's Deputy James Engle....

  7. Flight 800 and Joe Cafasso...

    Somehow this ligger managed to represent himself as the legislative director for the Associated Retired Aviation Professionals....


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