Monday, October 30, 2006

Headline News 2006-10-30

From ABC News:
Whitney Houston Says She Feels `great'
Tells reporters "go ahead and feel me"

From ABC News:
Missing U.S. Soldier Has Married Iraqi Student
Couldn't wait to become a teacher in the US

From ABC News:
Military Clamping Down on Soldiers' Blogs
Anti-soldier blogs at all-time high

From ABC News:
Teen's Breast Removed After Piercing Infection
Really feels like a boob now

From ABC News:
Batman Helps Ga. Town Infested by Bats
Offers to pay child support

From ABC News:
Man Builds 3,300-Pound Rubber Band Ball
3,300-pound spitball too difficult to keep moist

From ABC News:
Scientist Finds 100 Million-Year-Old Bee
On box of 100 million-year-old Honey Nut Cheerios

From ABC News:
Pa. Police Station Buzzing With Snakes
Was slithering with flies

From ABC News:
Statue of Dennis the Menace Stolen
Investigators have Ruff time

From ABC News:
St. Louis tops Detroit in violent crime rankings
Expected to complete trifecta with next week's voter fraud


  1. Monday's...

    Meta Cafe: Tennis Mimes Basil's Blog: Headline News Right Jokester: Animals Are So Unpolitical ScrappleFace: Rove Offers Pelosi Amnesty After Elections Semi-Open Trackbacks: If you have something funny to share, link to this post and send a trackback....


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