Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Headline News 2005-02-15

Wow. Is it me? Or is it a slow news day? I don't have much today. How about helping out? Find a news headline and leave a comment on it (funny preferred, thought-provoking appreciated).

Maybe I shouldn't have had the cheese sticks with supper. But the steak was good. As was the cheesecake. Anyway, here's all I got:
From ABC News:
Cockfighting in the Year of the Rooster
Ron Jeremy seeks to retain title

From ABC News:
Bush Puts Jobs Ahead of Climate Treaty
Lack of votes from tree, owls cited as primary reason

From ABC News:
Politics Blamed in Oil-For-Food Efforts
Greed breathes a sigh of relief

From CNN:
Daughter of conservative Republican calls herself 'liberal queer'
But if I called her that, there'd be hell to pay

From KCCI:
Iowa Town Celebrates Quirky Alone Day
Bloggers get their own day

From Navy Newsstand:
Navy to Commission Attack Submarine Jimmy Carter
Newest Seawolf class vessel will be able to handle all water-based threats except rabbits

From Savannah Morning News:
St. Patrick's Day Spotted!
Arbor Day striped, Memorial Day paisley


  1. I'm not going near that Ron Jeremy line...wow.

  2. He's been raising chickens for years, and...


    You thought I meant ....

    Oh my goodness!

    You have a filthy mind!


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