Hi Michelle,Read the entire article here.
Thank you for your note. We have reviewed www.michellemalkin.com but cannot include it in Google News at this time. We do not include news-related blogs or other news-related sites that are written and maintained by a single individual. Similarly, we do not include sites that do not have a formal editorial review process. We appreciate your taking the time to contact us and will log your site for consideration should our requirements change.
The Google Team
I enjoy reading Michelle's blog. And the wife and I enjoy watching her appearances on TV. Just this week, while Michelle was on Fox & Friends and I was walking through the living room, the wife stopped me, pointed to the TV and said "I like her." The wife doesn't read blogs (even mine) and didn't know her from the blog. The point is, we like her. And when I read of her difficulties with Google, I e-mailed her and offered to help:
Regarding your being excluded from Google News as a news source, consider the following:I'll let you know if she responds.
Google excludes "sites that are written and maintained by a single individual." To resolve this problem, I offer my services as a Headline News Writer. My salary requirements are $ 0.25 per year, non-negotiable. If accepted, hold on to the cash until we meet at a White House dinner. (It might be a while before I get an invite there, so...)
Google does "not include sites that do not have a formal editorial review process." Again, subject to my being hired, I recommend all my submissions be glanced over once before being trashed.
These would remove the obstacles listed by Google and allow a bit of sanity into their list of blogs-as-news-sources.
If accepted for employment at the conditions stated above, let me know what forms you need.
Mwheh. This should be good.
ReplyDeleteI won't be holding my breath for her to write back.
ReplyDeleteNice proposal. lol...she might respond, ya never know.
ReplyDeleteMichele's cool. She's emailed me back every time I've emailed her. Plus she even linked to me once. After I gave her a gmail invite.
ReplyDeleteBut really, if you were her, would you e-mail me?
ReplyDeleteI didn't think so.
I think she probably will. That's some funny stuff.
ReplyDeleteIf I were her, it would be really weird. Cause she's like, a chick.
ReplyDeleteYeah, and her name's all different, and stuff.
ReplyDeleteFunny? Did I come across as funny? I was serious. Which means I don't get to add working for her to my resumé.
You know I'm so tempted to quote Steve Martin don't you? I'll refrain.
Basil's Done Gone Thinking Again
ReplyDeleteBasil (not his real name) wants to help Michelle Malkin get her blog listed as a news site since she got rejected by Google and all. I think he's onto something....
B: Thanks.
"...I offer my services at a Headline News Writer." Did you mean "as a?"
ReplyDeleteMr. Fu:
ReplyDeleteAnd you can come along at a proof-reader. Uh, as a proof-reader.
It's now an even better deal. You can't pass this one up!
ReplyDeleteSome agree some dont. This is a touchy subject... but I think Basil has a funny solution.
Dear Michelle Malkin
ReplyDeleteI also have found the Google News folks to be a bit less than objective in which sites they feel are worthy. To be frank, they expose a severe leftward slant. Despite that, I think they must be forced to play within their own set of rules.
basil h...
Basil, you & the Confederate Yankee won't be able to help Michelle get noted as a news source on Google. Both of your sites (which I enjoy) lean too far to the right and don't use nearly enough profanity. Only Bush bashing, anti-conservative, profanity laden, leftwing bloggers write the truth(Doesn't everybody know that?). Now if you could convince her to drop the F Bomb a couple of times on her opening pages like Wonkette does and post a couple of doctored pictures of W with farm animals, well then she'd have a chance.
ReplyDeleteBest I can do is add Wonkette to my BlogRoll. That shows I'm an L³, right?
ReplyDeleteThe Jawa Report IS a Google News Source
ReplyDeleteYou know, just in case Michelle, Charles, Jeff G., Rob, Wayne, this chick, Basil, Spacemonkey, Confederate Yankee, Jeff, Zonker, David, Uncle, etc...were wondering. (Not a joke: click)...
Join the Flood
ReplyDeleteNot those evil bouncey things in Halo, but the example of Basil that is leading to a flood of copy cat offers to edit for Miss Malkin to fix her being blocked as a Google News Source. He is even dragging me into this!
I think you ought to tell her of your years of experience as a News Director for an ABC affiliate so she'll take you seriously. Otherwise, she might think you're a high school kid out to win a bet...
ReplyDeleteGoogle News Pulling from Blogs?
ReplyDeleteCritical Mass has some interesting observations regarding Google news pulling from Blogs.
And this, right after LGF and Michelle received rejection letters because they don't have a screening process in place for their content.
I love the my.Yaho...
Hire Basil Already
ReplyDeleteI still think Michelle ought to hire Basil. Then he'd leave me the hell alone!