Tuesday, February 1, 2005

Headline News 2005-02-01

From ABC News:
Peter Jennings' Final Thoughts From Iraq
Maybe I was wrong?

From ABC News:
Judge Rules Gov't Wrong to Downgrade Wolf
Judge: "Wolves have feelings, too"

From ABC News:
Disorder Victims See Monster in the Mirror
Thousands suffer from 'Rod Serling' disease

From ABC News:
Occasion Drinking Accounts for More Injuries
Scientists recommend getting so drunk you pass out on the couch

From ABC News:
Senate Democrats Ready to Fight Nominees
Forgot Bush Nominees Carry Guns And Know How To Use Them

From ABC News:
White House Search for Intelligence Chief Stalled
Unable to find Republican with intelligence

From ABC News:
AFL-CIO Won't Endorse Anyone in DNC Race
Already own all the candidates

From ABC News:
Disney set to replace Eisner by June
Walt to be thawed, put back to work by board of directors

From BBC:
Jerusalem land seizures 'illegal'
Palestinians tell Israel to leave or they will call the police

From BBC:
Kerry blames defeat on Bin Laden
UBL endorsement hurt Democrat

From BBC:
Outback men left single
Girls come just for the food and eye candy, not a relationship

From BBC:
CIA urged to release Nazi records
Goebbels, Goering instrumental duet of "String Of Pearls" is a highly-sought recording

From ABC News:
North Korea Declares War on Long Hair
Wants to send a message to loud music, sloppy clothes


  1. great as usual....i wonder if the one about "disorder victims see monster in the mirror" is related to yesterday's headline about "Hillary faints at appearance"?

  2. The Mean Sister (who is 5'6")February 2, 2005 at 3:13 AM

    moehawk--that was so bad!

  3. ok, i know it was bad....maybe i should have said:
    'Hillary Faints At Appearance" (don't know how to do the hyperlink thingie)

    Now understands why Bill had so many affairs.


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