- Info Theory (click on Paul's ad!) says Miers is pro-Roe.
- Phin is a slackard who talks sex.
- Euphoric Reality looks at a rape defense.
- aTypical Joe calls for a Dem mid-term convention.
- Riehl World View looks at Ted's not-so-excellent adventure.
- Confederate Yankee looks at the Lyin', the Switch, and the Boardroom.
- Church of the Masses liked the movie.
- Public Eye (Bachman) looks at the aftermath in Toledo.
- Harvey (Bad Example version) likes his coffee.
- Don Suber says the feeling is mutual.
- Stop The ACLU! looks at the group's latest client.
- Sortapundit says the outcome in Iraq could have been different.
- The Blog Interviews: Submit your questions for Joe from aTypical Joe and Kit Jarrell from Euphoric Reality.
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Yep, Typepad isn't accepting Haloscan's pings (I tried to ping you just now) but I did mention you in my inaugural open trackback buffet at Bloggin' Outloud. Thanks for breakfast. lgp
ReplyDeleteTypePad's just about got me upset.