Thursday, October 13, 2005

Picnic Lunch: 10/13/2005

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  1. A very unscientific statement

    I just find that statement from Ms. Acevedo-Garcia amusing. You would think a Harvard based epidemiologist could produce something more scientific. Then maybe there is no scientific explanation. There isn't necessarily an explanation for every event....

  2. How ACLU Profits from Its Secularization of America

    It happens somewhere in America almost everyday. Some small school, city councill or County Courthouse gets sued. Perhaps your town has a historical monument to honor the dead from WWII that just so happens to be shaped like a cross. Or maybe your ...

  3. Naming the Enemy

    In his opinion column yesterday, Tony Blankley pointed out how the MSM has failed to note the importance of Bush's speech last week. The fact that the President, for the first time, named the enemy in this war on terror-"Islamofascists."...

  4. NJ DMV Sends Callers to Porn Chat Line

    Some surprised New Jersey animal lovers got an ear-full when they called the 800 number on a DMV newsletter on how to order state-issued Animal Friendly license plates.

  5. Welcome to the Land of Ahhhs!
    Carnival of Comedy #24 - Oz Edition features over 20 bloggers.


  6. Nicholas Hoffman and the Reproductive Right

    Nicholas von Hoffman is a columnist for the New York Observer. He is also the author of two books: Hoax: Why America Buys the White Hose Lies, and A Devil's Dictionary of Business: Monkey Business; High Finance and Low; Money,...

  7. Excited to vote

    I watched the President talk to members of the 42nd Infantry Division via video-teleconference (on Fox News Channel) and was struck by this thought: it must be pretty damned exciting to vote on your country's constitution. I mean, I didn't get to vot...

  8. Florida Fat Cats

    Capturing Mighty Python Video from Tampa Bays 10 News
    Florida is so keen on eliminating its fat cat population that it actually rewarded the Burmese python for eating the Siamese cat with a brand new comfy home at the Sense of Wonder Nature Cen...

  9. Crete 1941 is here

    This is the Film I have been waiting to see , its part of the story and stories that I had heard my grandmother telling us about . This is part of a newsletter that I recieved and I am forwarding for all to read and to be made aware .

  10. Carnival

    The Land of Ahhhs hosts this week's Carnival of Comedy #24 ~ Oz Edition. I got the Tin Man award. Yup, that's me: No heart.

  11. I'm going to start a campaign against HaloScan. Who's with me?


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