Monday, October 17, 2005

Supper Held Hostage: 10/17/2005

Despite being held hostage by TypePad's TrackBack issue, we are going to offer these specials with your lunch:

You may be unable to send a TrackBack. TypePad is having issues accepting TrackBacks:

Support Ticket: 084866
Unable to send TrackBack with 3rd party form
Category: Bug
Status: We're Working On It

I am not able to keep a running
list of TrackBack failures like I was able to do this past weekend. If you can't send a TrackBack here, consider listing your post on the
Open TrackBack posts here:

If you're running Open TrackBacks today, send me an e-mail with the details and I'll add you to this list.


  1. Jimmy Durante vs. Jack Welsh: Miers, Quayle, Jihadists

    Jimmy Durante The fabled comedian Jimmy Durante once said, "I don't care if you're laughing with me or at me, as long as you're laughing. Conversely, Jack Welsh said, "Never be a victim." Who's right? Let's review three examples:...

  2. If Israel is Not a Third World Country, Why is Anbar Worried?

    Sometimes, even a superior life form like myself can get conned by the mainstream press. For two days now we have heard over and over the basic mantra that the new Iraq constitution would lead to a wealthy north and...

  3. Jimmy Durante vs. Jack Welsh: Miers, Quayle, Jihadists

    Jimmy Durante The fabled comedian Jimmy Durante once said, "I don't care if you're laughing with me or at me, as long as you're laughing. Conversely, Jack Welsh said, "Never be a victim." Who's right? Let's review three examples:...


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