- Jo offers something for coffee affectianatos.
- Pirates' Cove found the solution for looters.
- The Therapist gets the lowdown on bird flu.
- The Nose On Your Face finds birds suffer more than the flu.
- Beth (MY VRWC) wants your help breaking legs.
- Public Eye (Bachman) reports "The Barber" has been arrested.
- ScrappleFace looks at the Miller probe.
- The Steel Deal examines Microsoft's deal with the Nigerians.
- Point Five has Open TrackBacks.
- The Blog Interviews: Submit your questions for Joe from aTypical Joe and Kit Jarrell from Euphoric Reality.
Caught by the TypePad TrackBack issues:
- SerandEz: Politicos Pay Attention to Blogs
- The Florida Masochist: The Knucklehead of the Day award
- Thus spracht ME: Open Trackbacks, I get it now
- T. Longren: Internet Explorer Weirdness
- Tidbits And Treasures: What Constitutes 'The Good Life'?
- Don Surber: Yea? Well Bush Is Only 39% Happy With You, Too
ReplyDeleteWinning in Iraq
ReplyDeleteDemocracy - term originating in ancient Greece to designate a government where the people share in directing the activities of the state, as distinct from governments controlled by a single class, select group, or autocrat. The definition of democracy...
Catty Corner -- Kitty Naming Contest!!
ReplyDeleteIf any of you read my husband's during Katrina, then you are aware that on that Monday that Katrina hit New Orleans, we lost contact with my mother's nursing home. We couldn't make contact for four harrowing days. The only...
blah blah blah, trackback thing doesn't work, blah blah blah OPEN TRACKBACKS yada yada yada
ReplyDeleteThe Next Wave of Trackback Spam
ReplyDeleteWe've just received the most insidious trackback spam so far. As I have mentioned before, Movable Type 3.2 assigns a score to any incoming trackback, and if the score is too low, the trackback is placed in a special junk...
Uh, thanks.
ReplyDeleteWhile you are at it, could you fix my car? The light now stays on when I drive. Ah, good American craftsmanship ...
ReplyDeleteHave you checked the radiator? Or the grommets? It could be the grommets.
ReplyDeleteBasil, I was kinda hinting about my link-whoring/open trackback fest that nobody seems to ever notice or link to, but sure does seem to copy off of.
ReplyDeleteDon, gonna have to give me more than that. and I agree with the grommets. them buggers break ALL THE TIME.
I never did figure out why you didn't leave the link in the comment.
ReplyDeletemeh. who needs links. I'd rather have...uh...good intentions...
ReplyDeleteor something....
maybe next week...