Thursday, October 27, 2005

She Feels Your (Gas) Pains

From the Detroit News on Jan. 4, 2002: "Last month Katie Couric, host of NBC's Today show, signed a deal that will reportedly pay her $65 million over the next four years. That's an annual salary in excess of $15 million." From News Busters today:

Katie Couric: "They say one man's pain is another man's pleasure. And it turns out the pain we all shared at the gas pump this summer brought an awful lot of pleasure in the form of big profits to the nation's oil companies.

Yea, Katie. You really felt that pain as your chauffeur filled the tank of your limo. I guess phantom pain feeling is quite lucrative.

Cross posted at Don Surber and Florida Masochist.

1 comment:

  1. Another day in the neighborhood

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... It's Stop the ACLU Thursday (and did you hear about the Blogger + HaloScan inline trackbacks?)


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