Mission Implausible : Last night was a close call, Basil's robo-assassin-guards almost caught me on the way out.
I think I have cracked his super secret code and will be totally PWNing his blog with a NIFgasm
Iraq : Terrorists continue attacks
... one US GI killed, condolences
Terrorists kill 19
Saddam, defiant
... shocker ('cuz he has always been so cooperative in the past!)
Wilma : Cat5!
... might be the strongest (lowest pressure, highest winds) hurricane ever
Earthquake : Oct 8th quake death toll approaching 80,000
... continued prayers & condolences
Maryland : More on the tunnel closure yesterday
... 6 being questioned
'Chalk it up to a costly rehearsal'
Massachusetts : Questionable dam prompts evacuation
Islamofascism : Cali court hearing 'Islamic indoctrination' case
... TMLC fighting for America, unlike that other 4LA (ACLU)
' The absurd and the sinister'
Iraq : Some thoughts on Saddam ... and Clinton's WMDs :)
Lebanon : US, France untied against Syria ... remember the assassination of Rafik Hariri
Homeland Security : Was DC already hit by BioTerror attack? ... "tularemia"
Military Tech'ish : "Aluminum Windows" can stop a .50 cal AP bullet!
... "aluminum oxynitride" ... downside = "$10 per square inch" (for now)
Religious Freedom : Not in New York Kindergarten!
Computing : RedHat -1 founder ... Bob Young resigns from Board
DVD Jon lands dream job stateside'
DEAL : 300GB UATA/100 HDD = $90 ... incl $50 MIR
Internet : MSN Messenger + Yahoo IM beta registration available
... not the client itself, but the chance to get the client in a month or so
France has better, cheaper broadband than we do? ... that is SO wrong!
Google losing "GMail" trademark ... in UK, anyway
24x7 wireless connectivity not all good
Web2.0 is nothing more than evolution ... not a revolution
Gaming : "The Governor" to keep Blizzard honest?
InfoSec : Oracle bugs / patches ... Symantec raised ThreatCon to "2"
Cisco updates Network Admission Control (NAC) offerings
Malware targeting Skype ... say hello to "MyTob (AKA Fanbot)"
Home Networking : How To; and I don't just mean getting an Internet connection for your laptop
Telecom : Unlicensed frequencies, and how we can kill the FCC
UselessNations : We must resist Globotaxes, UNternet
In bed with ACLU, vs America
Left : Byrd Flu
... "That's our lawmakers: Think small. They bring home the Baco Bits."
Berkeley gives vets the finger
Right : Big spending cuts, finally! ... shooting for $50B!
'Can they get it done?' ... let's hope so!
Plamewilsonnovakcoopermillerlibbyrovegate + The Twins
SCOTUS / Eminent Domain : Maryland to protect property ownership
... as every state should!
SCOTUS / Miers: Bork is not supportive
GOP a little more positive
Govt : Are we too accepting of Govt intrusion into our lives?
... YES (especially WRT smoking, helmet laws!)
... although I am OK with the military use part
Avian Flu : Thoughts on how to react, contain
... H5N1 in EU now (Turkey, Romania, Greece) ... still only bird-2-human
Over-Hypation happening?
Health : Surgery not so safe an option to obesity
... how about eating less / better, exercising more?
Young women have flawed eggs as well
Cool Patents : Electronic eye(ball), neutron explosive detection, dancing cel phone
Jeep : New ad campaign - The Mudds
... wish they'd push Wranglers instead of Commanders :)
Fake Religion : Scientology can't take a joke
Homosexuals : Are we victims or a marketing juggernaut?
Space : New rocket engines being developed, tested
... "Integrated Powerhead Demonstrator (IPD)" ... all liquid!
Mars + plate-tectonics
"Global Warming" : "Antarctic ice sheets are slipping into the ocean at an unprecedented rate"
US expected to experience "increase in heat, heavier rainfalls and shorter winters" by end of century
... more extreme than previously thought
Geology : Exploding rocks being dredged from sea floor
... "pressurized volcanic gases trapped within the lava rocks"
Morse Code :
- .... .. ... + .. ...
+ .--. .-. . - - -.-- +
-.. .- -- -. . -.. +
-.-. --- --- .-..
... found via IMAO
OOTS : #233 and #234
Avian Flu : YOU think YOU are worried??
MSM : 10 ways to boost their sagging profits
Islamofascism : Al Qaida going the Underpants Gnomes route?
Computing : Latest iPod to be implant
Iraq : 'Accepting unlicensed US Military a** whupping tops new Hussein charges'
Saddam's trial, IMAO style
Health : CDC warns of impending "viral marketing" pandemic
Illegal Immigration : Catch and Deport all aliens; Indians agree
SCOTUS / Miers : W's Top 10 reasons for nominating Miers
Rove hoping for nomination
Space : Chinese Dragon attacks ISS
Right : 'DeLay vows to continue fundraising in prison'
Sports : NBA's ban on chains = racist
"I for one completely support ... all the Negroes that want to wear
chains. It just proves my ancestors were right all along"
Wrasslin' : McMahon fires everyone, except for Triple H
Caption This : Hurricane Survival Kit
UF : Spielberg + EA = HELL
Katrina / Rita : New Orleans recovering faster than Anderson Cooper
White Trash Wednesday : --thanks SMB!
when you think Knoxville, dont just think hayseeds, banjos, mountains
and moonshine. Think drivebys and bad-ass white trash cracker-a$$
gangstas. Their parents must be so proud.
Cox & Forkum
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