Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-10-18

Items of interest from the blogroll.

If you'd like to share an item via TrackBack, please feel free to do so, as long as your submission follows the TrackBack policy.


  1. Barack Obama… for President??!...

    As the junior Senator from Illinois, Barack Obama has only been in office little more than a year. Yet he is a shooting star in the Democratic Party. Why? Is it his leadership and prowess as a lawmaker in the Senate? His foreign relations experience? H...

  2. Thanks for the plug. Will reciproc8

    Question: What's this I hear about Madonna adopting Basil?

  3. WTW: Torture? You Call That Torture...

    Good morning, infidels. Prophet Sallami Sallami Mohammed here, and I am amazed at all the hand wringing coming from your American Left/Democrats over the so called "terrorist torture" bill. Like the Hon. Elizebeth Holtzman
    "Today will g...

  4. Have to ask, is there a reason you changed the permalink style? Is it better to use that type rather then the WP default?

  5. William Teach: Although I prefer the "WP Default" of the post number, WP's new standard is the date-based/post-named version.

    If I ever decide to move the site to another host, I'll either have to move the entire database ... or change to the new standard ... to prevent broken links.

    Maybe I'll write a post about this.

  6. sHillary's Baggage - YouTube...

    This is by Nick Anderson at the Houston Chronicle.
    You had better watch it quick before YouTube removes it for being conservative.

    One really does have to wonder what the press will have forgotten by.....

  7. Madonna Adoption Plan Proves Disturbing...

    A few days ago, the international pop star Madonna initiated adoption of a 13-month-old Malawi boy named "David". The adoption has aroused controversy because the Malawi government bent its usual rules on foreign adoptions and because some people thi...

  8. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is The Ohio Department of Job & Family Services....

  9. NK Postulation: Methodology of Mayhem...

    In sociology, 'fear' societies such as NoKO are noted for their necessity of having an 'enemy,' whether that enemy is external or internal, in order to justify and consolidate their legitimacy with a disaffected population.
    Austinbay gives an exc...


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