- Skye (Midnight Blue) was happy with the Saddam verdict.
- Political Critic says the timing is the verdict is suspect.
- aTypicalJoe says Hillary for ... Associate Justice.
- Tony (blah blah blog) feuds with YouTube.
- Captain Ed (Captain's Quarters) says the PA's best hope is for Hamas to follow Fatah's lead.
- Alex Knapp (Outside The Beltway) says the Texas Border Watch is a bad idea.
- Oddybobo (Bobo Blogger) makes pie for a trip.
- Richmond (One For The Road) enjoyed the pie.
- Blackfive says this election impacts everyone.
- A Bama Blog says PC takes forever.
- Olah Chadasha (Greetings from the French Hill) lost a family member.
- Michelle Malkin follows the left's infiltration of the GOP.
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Be fruitful and multiply...
ReplyDeleteTruthfully three months is nothing. Dear wife and I went 13 years before she got pregnant without almost immediately miscarrying.
The Hughes are too busy and this is an often heard lament. How long does it really take to make nookie?...
ReplyDeleteThe County Sheriff is also under federal investigation. If our police and legal system aren't held to the highest standards, there is no justice in Florida or anywhere. Jailing someone without proper cause should be grounds for dismissal otherwise an....
Army Stupid...
ReplyDeleteJohn Kerry recruitment video...
Doctors Advocate Murder!...
ReplyDeleteWe've become so used to this form of casual killing that the next step is obvious. The Royal College knows what it is. They have a pretty euphemism for it to make it less objectionable. They call it "active euthanasia".
I call it murder....
Bob Corker and Harold “My Jesus” Ford...
ReplyDelete. . . there will be rants about unfair this and unfair that and stolen elections. They’ll be outraged and rave and whine for ages. What a bunch of babies.
They Doth Protest (Incorrectly)...
ReplyDeleteThe liberals of the US say we are trying to scare them; but the opposite of this assertion implies that to exercise quiet, it all go away...And this was the liberal policy Europe......
Tasking Era: Arab's New Modernity...
ReplyDeleteModerate Islam: Trillions of dollars worth of resort properties currently in development across the globe...Curious as to how they'll sort-out the guest list with the Radicals......
An Important Point About Public Opinion Polls and Elections...
ReplyDeleteOkay, I've tried to be upbeat for the past week, but the election is today and it's time for me to be realistic. Even if Republicans do gain seats in both houses, the country is still at risk because there......