Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Headline News 2006-11-08

From ABC News:
Mideast Arabs 'Delighted' by Democrats' Wins
Glad Bush is no longer President

From ABC News:
Sandinista Comeback: Ortega Wins in Nicaragua
Rode Pelosi's coattails to victory

From ABC News:
Beijing Issues 1 Dog Per Family Rule
New diet fad hits capital city

From ABC News:
Google positioning for move into radio
Vaudeville next

From ABC News:
Faith Hill Calls CMA Freakout a 'Joke'
Says "I never should have hired John Kerry's speech-writers"

From ABC News:
Bloggers Target Gay Celebs
Kos seeks companionship

From ABC News:
Women Poised to Grab Historic Stake in D.C.
Driven through Rumsfeld heart

From ABC News:
Doctor: Paterno Cannot Coach From Field
Loss to Wisconsin supports doctor's assessment

From ABC News:
Derby Winner Barbaro Has Cast Removed
Will coach Penn State against Temple

From ABC News:
Blind mice see again after retina cell transplants
Song to be rewritten


  1. Ah gee the Arabs are worried about a nuclear Iran, so let them do something about it. Iranian nukes work on Saudis too, don't they? Those clever Saudis, sooner or later they aren't going to be able to buy their way out from the monster they made and it will be off with their heads.

  2. Wednesday's...

    ScrappleFace: Rumsfeld Quits, Pelosi May Let Cheney, Laura Stay Basil's Blog: Headline News Newgrounds: 10 Odd Jobs w/ Lizardface (Violence Warning) Semi-Open Trackbacks: If you have something funny to share, link to this post and send a trackback......

  3. Two Ironies, and some noodling on the meaning of it all....

    1. Many Dems I know have hailed the Webb win as a sign of racial tolerance, (their operators generally called this man a “sell-out”, however). Perhaps. But the Confederate enthusiast named his son after Nathaniel Bedford Forrest for a reaso...


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