Friday, November 24, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-11-24

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. Knucklehead Award Friday Part Two...

    Our second winner today is Joel Havemann of the LA Times....

  2. Shopping Shortages May Require Parents To Spend Time With Children...

    Ashley Miranda, 3, left, observes as her mother Leslie Marin and a friend Fernando Lucas shop for toys during a Thanksgiving Day sale at Kmart. Marin and Lucas had hoped to find enough toys to keep Ashley from bothering them for attention. (AP Pho...

  3. Farmers Lose...Wetlands Win...

    In yet another example of how the government take of private land extends beyond eminent domain, the Island County (Washington) Planning Department has enacted a......

  4. Quick Mailing Chirstmas Card Tip...

    I NEVER hand write my card’s addresses out. Excuse me — why did I pay all this money on this Dell and HP printer to hand write stuff??


  5. Counterinsurgency meets Tradition...

    Counterinsurgence demands not only revisions of military tactics......

  6. Shiite Barbarians burn Sunni worshippers alive...

    The violence in Iraq continues, and anyone that thinks it's time to leave yet obviously hasn't figured out that the Iraqi military isn't ready to do anything about it....


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